I got this idea from the white deer pics I posted yesterday and a little debate with a hunting buddy of mine at the moment. If you had the opportunity to either shoot an albino doe or 200 class buck in some magical world where both co-exist on your hunting land, which would you choose? I'm for the albino doe. He wants the buck. Just curious your thoughts.
200"+ buck without a doubt FWIW, it is illegal to shoot albino deer here in Wisconsin. Not sure what other states allow. Even if it were legal and there was not a 200”+ buck I still don’t think I would shoot the albino. It is too rare and beautiful for me to have to kill it. Let the darn thing live so maybe others can enjoy it.
You know that is my line of thinking too but is also the reason why I would want it because it is so very rare. How many 200+ inch bucks were killed in Iowa last year? I believe there was 107 bucks over 200 inches at the Iowa Deer Classic. I know the odds of taking a free range buck that size is extremely rare but the chances of taking an albino has to be ever more rare. I guess I just like the rarity of the albino.
My thoughts exactly. 200 inch buck all the way! Regardless of color...it's still just a doe. If it were a nice mature buck that was also albino I would look at that differently.
That's an easy pick for 99.9% of hunters. The real question is at what point would you select the doe over a buck? For me it would have to be somewhere in the 120ish range before I would start leaning towards the buck. Jeff, You say 150.... Are you talking about a 150 NC buck? B/C truthfully you are talking about once in a lifetime animals with either choice.. Tough one.
a bloody Albino doesn't make for very good photo's (plus illegal her in IL)...heck I think I'd choose just having a 200+ inch buck on my property over an Albino doe shot opp.
I would play my magical flute and have them both walk past broadside, parallel to one another. Then I would launch one arrow and kill them both.
I'm a bit surprised that I'm the only one but I guess that's the way we've been trained to think. I would be equally estatic.
Definetly the buck for me... I have saw several albinos and probablly over a half dozen piebalds around my area... while they are nice, they just don't really do anything for me... it just another deer with a genetic mutation. I still can't understand how any state would make it illegal to kill an albino... kinda blows my mind. It is a DEER, you buy a hunting liscence to kill DEER.... I remember reading about a man who killed a nice albino buck about 10 years ago and was sued by a lady because that deer was the "reincarnation of her husband".... the crazy part is that she won! What is wrong with people today?
If it does not have at least 130" of bone on its head, it does not interest me in the least except to watch.