Hi All! My name is Justin Harris I am a professional outfitter from Alberta, Canada. We are always looking for new clients and thought this might be a great place to book some hunts and meet some new friends. Our company is Alberta Hunts Outfitting. We have spot and stalk Black bear hunts, baited bear hunts, Bull moose hunts, and whitetail hunts. I am currently looking for some great folks to join us on our fall baited bear hunt in september. our website address is Home Page We are currently booked soild for our moose hunts and just finished a great spring bear season, A total of 11 hunters were up with us and we had 100% success!! Please feel free to send any questions my way or just shoot me a message to say hi. This is my first post ever on any hunting forum so this is all new to me. Have a great day and look forward to chatting with ya soon!