Great pitures! Congratulations on your and your buddies success! You will have those memories for ever.
Trev, I'm envious to say the least. Glad to hear you're chasing the dream and loving every second of it. Congrats!
Congrats and great job Tevor. We have to get together and do some hunting this year.Maybe we can get the crew together at H&H for a weekend.
Wow, job well done, magnificant country and great memories to last a lifetime and then some! Tip my hat to u guys, Sounds like Rob has those deer and their living quarters dialed in!
I was looking at the pics on my new Blackberry at supper while eating out tonight with my parents, but it would have been too tedious to respond.... they did, however, LOVE looking at the pics; what an INCREDIBLE backdrop! I told everyone there that you just did exactly what I should have done when I was your age; congratulations on actually doing it and pursuing your dream. Those are memories and trophies you'll hold dear for the rest of your life.
Thanks again guys! I am still pretty stoked over the whole trip. I got a call at 11pm from the airport, my cooler showed up and SHOULD be delivered on my backporch by morning. We will see I guess, I am not at home. By the weekend's end I will add up a storyline and more pics that show the actual scenery and story of the trip. I sure stumbled across a Pure GEM of a deer hunting place doing my research, I honestly wouldn't change a single thing of this trip if I was to re plan it. Thanks for the congrats. As for treestands vs spot/stalk, lets suffice it to say I likely wouldn't even whitetail hunt until all tags were filled if the opportunities of the west were located closer to home. Not even within 1 mile of each other in my opinion, as far as the fun/adrenaline level is concerned. It isn't sitting/waiting/hoping, it is searching/finding/MAKING it happen.
Awesome news on the cooler! I was sure sweating that one and I'm sure the delivery guy is going to be curious what that funky smell is!
I had a feeling...anxious for my first "western" hunt. Again - sweet pics...looking forward to recap story.