So, I stopped by the local shop today. Just because I was in the area. So, I grabbed a couple of my arrows, so I could see how the bow that I had originally intended to buy, would act, while pushing these out of it. A whole lot different with using 2413's vs. the arrows that he had on hand last time, Some 9.7gpi cabela's shafts. Very different. I think I may have to either splurge, and go for the Alpha Max, or The Captain that I was looking at. BTW, I know my sig says Alpha Max, but I had changed my mind since the first time looking at bows. To either the super hawk, or power hawk. The Power Hawk was the one that failed me today. It really did not like pushing the heavier arrow. I know it was down on #'s of pull, but I really wasn't all that crazy on that feeling when I shot. I did look at one of the PSE bows, they had it on sale, because it was the last few in stock, and it was last years model, but when I put my arrow on it, the fletching went past the riser. lol. It may be time to switch arrows damnit. lol. I shot one of the Dream Season Bows last time I was there. The cams really were too harsh for me. I don't understand the need for speed that bad. I pulled the Elite bow while I was there. Then I put it back. I think it was something like a GT500? Felt right, real nice behavior when I pulled. I just couldn't, because the price did not match the feel. I'm lost. I don't know what to do. Spend alot of money, and get the one that I really like, or Get one that fits, and is in a lower price range, with money left over for extra goodies.
I'd go ahead and spend the extra money and get the one that you like and will feel most confident with. However, if it will hurt you badly financially there is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to find one used or an older model. I couldn't afford a brand new bow whenever I was looking earlier in the year, and decided to go with a used bow and couldn't be happier. Another thing to consider is how long you plan on keeping the bow you buy. If you're planning on keeping it for quite a while I would definitely spend the extra money to get what makes you happy. Good luck with whatever you decide to get!
Buying a used bow will get you a better deal... just sayin :d Honestly though, don't spend a bunch of money on the bow and put crappy accessories on it. The accessories MAKE the bow, period. You can take an average bow and set it up with quality accessories and it will feel and shoot better than a high end bow with cheap stuff on it. I've only owned like 15 bows, but there are guys on here that have had a LOT of bows and they'll tell you the same thing.
Me personally, I would get the one I really like. Otherwise I would constantly wish I had. But thats just me. I can always find extra money for good accessories or upgrade them when I do have the cash.
Im with the cowboy on this one! You would be surpised how well an average bow shoots with an above average set-up and a great tune job.
Nah. I'm good with those bows. Dub, I won't be putting crap on my new bow. If I am going to do something, I am going to do it right. I am thinking of going with a Black Gold sight, and Quicktune rest (4000, or the one below that, I can't remember which one I liked more.) It's not really coming down to money anymore. I have already got that stuff figured out. now I am just trying to find one that I am going to be happy with. From the different things that I have been looking at, I am just going to leave my bow in one package, arrows and all, then have this shop sell it like that. I am going to start over from scratch with this bow. It's time. Everything I have had up to this point was a hand me down. I want NEW dmanitt!!! lol.
Since when is 15 bows not a LOT? LOL I think the cowboy pig guide hit it on the head though....accessories make or break even the best of the bows.
Since he got really really old. One bow every 5 years, sounds about right. In my case, it is one bow every 10yrs.
I guess I'm wondering why you wouldn't get the bow that fits you well??? For me its a no brainer, get the one that fits you!
Look for the one you want, if it's last yrs model, and buy it used. should only be a yr or 2 old, which is just fine, cuz then u can spend the extra $$ on accessories. But if it's a brand new model, spend the xtra $$ otherwise it will grate on you everytime u see one of those bows. I bought a used Tribute only 1 yr and it was $500 vs $750-800 for a newer model. Glad I held out, now happy as a lark.
That would make me... 10. lol. I was just throwing that out there. Generally, technology really doesn't advance all that much. I don't see the point in keeping up with it THAT much, that would make me find a new bow every year. THat, and I don't have any money. My wife does, but I don't.