Ok so I got a deal today on some 1916s bought em up. I am trying to get them to fly w/ two bows, 1 is 45# and the other is 42# both at 28 in. I get the 45# to bare shaft tune great, the 42# bow is always shooting em nock high. I moved my nocking point way up, way down and everywhere inbetween. What gives. YOu guys got any advice.
Check your Brace Height. Sounds like your a little too short, try taking a twist or two out. Good Luck!
Ok a little update. I shot 3 fletched and 3 bare shafts, all using 125 gr. tips. The fletched shafts are straight and level, the bare shafts are knock high and a the nock is a tick to the left of the tip. What do I need to do now.
Nevermind about this thread, I scooted back to 20 yards and they flew great, I was shooting at 10 and I think that is what threw my diagnosis off.