What can you look for in a deer to see that he is older? Im asking because I would like to take some older bucks off our land that will not grow into shooters. I just want to make sure I dont take out any young bucks.
One thing I look for that I think is easiest to notice is if the belly sags or not. If it sags its usually an older deer. Younger deer are more tucked up.
Code: One thing I look for that I think is easiest to notice is if the belly sags or not. If it sags its usually an older deer. Younger deer are more tucked up. I think it works the same way with humans
Older deer tend to have more gray in the face...belly sag as was said before...following is an overview of field aging deer http://www.1atexasdeerhunting.com/bodyagingdeer.htm
swayed back/sagging belly is one give away. Butt to neck length is also a good indicator, especially on a doe. Snout length is typically a good indicator too as young deer have that snubby look to them. The more you see you'll also begin to notice the bone structure and gate of a mature whitetail deer, it's different then a young 2 1/2 year old buck.
A sagging belly and if the deer is darker haired is also a good sign but not always, it depends on your location. Also if the buck has scars around his face. Also if the deer is hesitant to step out into the open that is a good sign that the deer might be more mature.