BTW - this is the buck I had in front of me when I dropped my bow out of the tree last fall. Epic fail moment.
Very cool, Justin. Thanks for sharing and add *dropped bow* to the list of ways they survive 7 years. Hope you get redemption.
Do I win anything for being within 10yrs of being right? I don't wanna wait until we win the contest this year to get my new hat. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Yeah, it sure did! 5 years old was his best rack, and he was mid 130's even though he was probably 275 pounds on the hoof. Since then, it's been all downhill, and now he's just a big 6-pointer.
So let him be known as "The Big Drop" buck....everyone when you kill him, YES YOU WILL KILL HIM, will be looking for some droptine
For some stupid reason we started calling him "The Willand Buck" after my buddy Mike. He was running into him almost every time he went in the woods when the deer was 2 and 3 years old. So I starting saying "that's your buddy" and eventually it become The Willand Buck, and once you have a name it just kind of sticks and can't be changed. Although with his portly body and poor genetics, he would more aptly be named "The Zarr Buck".
For reference, this is him next to a really big 5-year old that's every bit of 250 lbs on the hoof. He makes him look tiny.
Just waiting on this weather to break is all! Tomorrow is supposed to be an all-day rain out, followed by 5 days of East winds. So I'm trying to figure out which of my stands may work, and where I'm going to have to run-and-gun with the saddle.