For those of you who never leave the Forum, we have a fun thing we do where we post images and videos of a deer and let people chime in to guess the deer's age. This week's deer is one that I'm chasing and has gotten a variety of different responses from 2 to 10. I figured it would be fun to post here and see what the real experts think. So here you go - age this buck!
I am guessing 6+, an older mature deer on the decline. Although, if the date is correct on the trail camera, those are not this year's photos.
I know you are just looking for a number but wow so many contradictory flags. Early Dec could account for the slim body and thick neck. But the length of the body screams older , yet face is short. I'll go with 7.5 for fun. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Correct. I only have one picture of him so far this year, and it's only half of his rack but definitely him. I need to move some cameras around this weekend and find out where he's at.
What a tough one. Big body, big neck, big shoulders, just looks like a mature deer. But hardly any of that pot belly they usually get. Justin says its "one I'm chasing"? Rack isn't anything to really get hot and bothered about, so a cull buck? From your videos, you usually have some darn good headgear to chase. I really want to say it is about 5.5 y.o. But I could see it being a bruiser of a 3.5 y. o. too. No idea.
I go back and forth on this one. Being in Midwest, my guess that Pic is of a 3 1/2 year old. He shows signs of older, but he is just to lean looking for be fully mature to me. Definitely a brute. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Agreed- 3.5 last year. Here is is on 10/26 (pre-rut,) no paunch or haunch on him to speak of, short face: Guessing he put on another ~30" from 3.5-4.5 this year, which is why @Justin is chasing him this year.
Well, he was 6.5 in those photos and videos, and you guys are in luck b/c I got my first good pics of this year last night on a scrape. Just set the camera yesterday morning while I was doing some scouting, and he was the first one on it. So here we go! Every year from 2 to 7.