These are 2 more bucks that I've passed, this season. The bigger 8 was a tough decision that I care not to recall, often . I had him at 38yards, without a care in the world(him). Chip shot, too. In a field, head down, looking a different direction. I hung the bow back up and just watched him. I had watched him close the distance for a couple of hundred yards, too. Every time I look at the cam pictures, I'm impressed with my restraint !! And, disappointed in my standards..haha. The crab claw looks like a bit young, too me. When I saw him earlier in the year, he looked WAY bigger (body), and, I judged him a shooter(age). Now, not sure he's a shooter (age wise). I had him at 14yards one evening. Although it was nearing last light, I was still able to study him, a bit, and I deemed him a tad too young to shoot. He's by no means the biggest buck on this property(crab claw), but, I see him all of the time(in the distance). He acts old, but, looks young. It's a ride to get to this place, almost an hour drive. With Winter Bow season starting, I want to make that drive because I intend to kill something. There's a weird game playing out in my head, with crab claw. I find myself hunting him. I'm glassing, and thinking about seeing him. When I walk the fields and see big tracks where he walked, I think, I'm getting closer. I've located 2 of his bedding areas(not the actual beds, though). Then, when I'm set up in an observation point or looking at a trail camera and I see him- I say, oh, it's just the crab claw...WTF ?? Anyway, here they are. Apparently I'm all sorts of screwed up in my ability to age a whitetail, so, your opinions, please.....
Thanks. NJ. I live in Central NJ, but, hunt in the North-West and South area of the State. This farm is North-West. This is a link to a thread regarding another buck that's out on this same farm. I'm comfortable with the 3.5yo guess, as well. The 8pt is an outstanding buck. I just think with another year under his belt he will become a giant. I've had the pleasure of watching him walk around and under my stand- he's a thoroughbred for sure !! The crab claw is just a cool buck. I really can't put into words what I've learned from HIM and HIM ALONE. He's every bit of a wise buck. I'm confident that, next year, sightings may decrease because he will be even more wise, and, wary..But, I'm thankful for what he's taught me(I'd like to thank him in person, though ) Anyone have a guess on their scores ? I think: 8pt- 120 range Crab Claw- 110-115 range
I am with the others on 3.5 That first big 8pt is kinda hard to tell, I see what your saying at first look 3.5 then you see a couple of the looking away and the body hard to tell could be older..4 1/2
Thanks guys. WKP Todd- which one is 3.5 ? Both bucks ? Uh, I can't believe I passed that nice 8pt...Whatever. He'll be bigger next year.