Figured I'd do one of my own. How old would you say this buck is....??? Trail cam photos from last season....
Not in the least... I made this post and then deleted the photos from my photobucket....Oops. What ????? That makes no sense... It's one deer, 2 photos.....and I've never shot 6 bucks in one year....We're just allowed too, in NJ..
Yea, thats not an accident, either...I'm not big on being in photos...I cant count on less than 2 hands the amount of photos taken of my face since I was 18... I had posted a harvest photo with myself, my bow and naturally, the deer on HNI a few years back. Aside from that, I only have photos of racks.
Buckmaster- they are included in the photos I mentioned, and, on my PRIVATE myspace page. So, how old is the buck ?
Don't worry... Though, when I seen those pics, your profile wasn't "private" because your not even on my friend list... No other way for me to know about them... lol. "just sayin" And I have no idea how old that deer is...