it's 9 straight days of bowhunting for whitetails. YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Greg/MO is meeting me here after work and then we're headed to my property for a few days. Greg leaves on Monday night and I'll hunt a day or 2 on my own and then mobow will join me for a few days. It's about time for all hell to break loose in the woods (I hope). I know some guys have seen some chasing going on and it should only be getting better in the next week or so. I'm sure Bob my taxi will show up for a few hunts thru the week also. I gotta treat him right if I want my mounts looking good. He called me this afternoon to let me know he was mounting my Antelope. I can't wait to see what it looks like.
I got the pleasure of watching a spike try to play around with an old doe in the front yard the other night, so it's getting close to being that time. Starting Saturday I am off 8 of the next 10 days as well. Throw me a text or a call one night this weekend and I'll cruise up to shoot the bull with you and Greg for a bit, or help you on that drag job of your big 10.
Sounds awesome John, best of luck to you guys. I'm still stuck being out of the woods for another full week, I really can't wait to get back out there.
Good luck JM and comrades! I'm really hoping one of you put that big 10 on the ground so we can see a few pics of him. Be safe and shoot straight!
Good luck to you guys! The bucks are really starting to feel it on my MO farm. I saw 7 different bucks Saturday and 3 were shooters. Some of them were chasing a couple does. Should be a great weekend!
Good luck JM. You guy's have fun. It's gonna be a few more years until I can string out a week of vaca during the rut. Needless to say I still am able to hunt every evening anyhow and that will have to do. Shoot straight and take pics.
Same here John. After tomorrow it's 2 straight weeks minus Sundays! I start my annual 2 weeks vacation for the rut!. Last year however I shot my PA buck on Halloween. Maybe I can do that again Saturday.
Good luck John! I've got my 'hunting vacation' scheduled for Nov 7 - 15, but based on what I'm seeing in the field, in some ways wish it was sooner....
Then you simply get to find ways to fill up that vacation time if you get one down early. Sleep in...or play cameraman for Ben:D
Hmmmph... You know I'm laid off yet I didn't get an invite... (I looked for a mad smilie but to no avail)...:D On a more serious note... Good luck to you and whoever you hunt with bro... I'd better at least get a text from one of you yahoo's...
Woo hoo! Just walked away from packing to click on the site for a sec... It may be hard to wait until you get off work to get there buddy! :D
Good Luck JM to you and all your company...sounds like a heck of a time. Keep us IL boys posted on the buck activity if you get a chance