Debate from the why hunt with a bow thread got me thinking, I was baffled when some said that it rubs them the wrong way to say you enjoy when you actually kill the deer. That it is wrong to call it a thrill. Looking for honest opinions here, what is going on with you after you make the perfect shot on a deer, turkey, elephant, heck it doesnt matter what. Does your heartrate not rise? Are you not excited? Do you not celebrate in whatever way you feel, whether it be exclaimin YES! or a small fist pump...Do you not feel happy that you were actually successful in your hunt? Or is it null to you, with no emotions or excitement whatsoever? I realize everyone hunts for their own reasons, and I am certainly not trying to change anyone's mind here, just trying to figure out these reasons. A thrill is to feel sudden intense sensation or emotion, and after I send one through the boiler room...Guilty as charged here. What about you guys? Do you get excited after the shot? Are you happy after the shot? Or are you more calm as you are doing something you dont enjoy, but just accept it as the end to a hunt? Opinions?
Trevor, I agree, and yes I do get excited. "Thrilled" to the point where I need to just sit back down after the shot because I can't control my limbs or even thought a point. For example, my first bowkill left me stuttering trying to speak to my brother after the shot, mumbling random words that didnt even go together, :d . Maybe this is ridiculous to some people, but Im not ashamed at how excited I was. Subsequent bowkills, the intensity decreases a little but I am still worked up. If I didnt get that feeling, why hunt at all? The feeling(s) after the shot are impossible to completely describe in words. And it may be different for every person.. But I am in the same boat as you, I get all worked up from the "thrill"
I got what you are saying about being all encompassing Jeff. I agree wholeheartedly, the kill is only a small part of a season of hunting. If you get shook up after the shot on a buck, that pretty well answers my question though. Just want to clarify that I don't hunt for the thrill of the kill either...I hunt because I enjoy every second of it...but I will never turn down that excitement rush that follows the perfect shot on a buck, and for many people, does as well. I just included them (does) as to not drag out a debate as to whether one should be just as excited on does as bucks. I know the feeling was different for me as well, both being a great experience. Just trying to include em all so as to stay on topic here. Great Responses.
Depending on the animal and situation, my emotions range from being pretty darn excited to just another day at the office. I am happy & excited, but I don't usually over express myself. I am happy because I am successful, I feel no emotion at the actual killing part, it just occurs.
I get very excited after I let an arrow fly no matter the size of the animal (the bigger ones get me a tad more though)!! If I ever loose that excitement, I'm done with this hunting stuff but I don't ever see that happening!!
I agree it's a small part overall as well. I have some kills that I'm fairly calm about, and others that my heart is pounding in my ears - both does & bucks. I will say that I'm not so sure that the whole preparation and anitcipation is my favorite part of bowhunting all together - the kill is just a nice reward for my efforts every once in a while. The greatest thing I've noticed about all my bow kills is how incredibly "in tune" my senses are at that moment - I have still yet to shoot a deer that I did not see the whole arrow flight, see the arrow penetrate, and know exactly where my arrow hit as the deer bounded off...I cannot recreate that type of focus in anything else I it
Yeah, me neither. I always have some angst at actually harvesting, taking, killing (give it a name, call it what you will) an animal. And yet if I do kill one, I'm certainly pleased at the result - particularly if it has been a tough hunt. I like to be personally responsible for at least some of the deaths that allow me to sustain my own life. The sensation of eating an animal I have fairly chased and ethically killed, an animal that has lived a rich, extravagant life in the wild is immeasurable. Even the best store-bought Kobe Beef ribeye steak can't compare. And although the experience of the hunt is certainly meaningful, the kill can be as, or even more gratifying. This is a good, thought-provoking question. I've had a number of lively, and passionate, conversations with non-hunters about just what it is I like about hunting. Hmmmm
I'm pretty happy when I see the arrow or bullet find its mark. I shed hunt, scout, hang stands, clear lanes, hang cameras, all in hopes of killing deer. When it all comes together, you're damn right I'm happy I killed something...... that IS why I'm out there.
I get excited when I do decide to take a shot. Even more so when its a particular buck that I have been hunting for some time. I become very focused an detailed during the shot process an there after until the deer is located. As far as the killing of an animal. I see no reason to say I even have an emotional connection with something that runs in the wild.
If you watch some of the hunting videos, some of the pros even shake from the adrenalin rush. I think, I am mainly concentrating on where they go and if they're going down. Then the excitement begins. I thank God for the clean shot, the opportunity, and for the meat that deer will provide. If it's buck, heck yeah I'm exicited. Heck, I get excited sometimes just watching hunting videos. Am I celebrating the deer's death, absolutely not. Rather its respect for the sport, the shot, and the animal.
If it's a doe I get pumped right before I shoot then it's back to reality. A buck I get pumped after the shot. I normally let out a yell of success. I don't think it's disrespectfull if you get pumped up that's what it's all about for me and it's celebration time.
I get excited... My excitement would make Rob's "I'm Pumped" look like a miss. lol I can't imagine what it will feel like when I connect with a nice buck...
I get VERY excited when a buck OR a doe presents a shot, or appears as if it is going to present a shot. I'm not sure if I attribute this to my nature, or the fact that I really don't have a lot of bow kills to my credit, therefore, I still get the massive adrenaline rush. The kill is part of the hunt, but the whole process from start to finish contributes to my excitement, not just the act of firing a lethal shot, otherwise, I wouldn't shake like a leaf everytime a doe or buck begins to get within shooting range.
For me it is not the animal it is the hunt and the hunts prior and leading up to the kill. If I just get out hunting and haven't spent much time at it I am usally pretty calm, But if I have been after it for a while then I get pretty excited over it. Heck just watch the video and you will get your answer.. Walt
I've killed hundreds and hundreds of critters and can't say that the actual act of killing something makes me happy or gives me any kind of thrill. When I kill a deer with a bullet, slug or arrow, it's the culmination of plan, a well placed shot, some luck, and getting fresh vittles that makes me happy, excited,pumped...etc.. And I do get very much excited. Of course if it's a crappy shot, I'm not happy at all. I once killed an injured deer with a tire iron, it's eye popped out of it's head when I clobbered it. Not only was I not excited to kill it, it was kind of sad and a bit disturbing. When I check traps, I'm excited and pleased to see that I have a catch. I'm not at all excited by the act of putting a bullet through it's brain. I actually prefer my catches to be caught in kill traps so I don't have to kill them. I often tell the critter "Business, not personal." before I kill it. I'm happy when I shoot a starling because I see them as pests... and because I was hitting what I was shooting at. On the times when I've winged one and had to chase it down and finish it off, I'm a bit sad that I caused it distress and that sometimes my shooting is off. so... my point is, I would not say I enjoy 'killing' deer or other critters. I kind of cringe when I hear others say they do.
VERY well said. After all.......why are we so bothered by unrecovered deer if all we care about is killing them???
I'm with Christine. It's business. I love the meat. I'm not in to fist pumps, chest bumps or high fives. It's me and the critter and to hell with everyone else.
I'm guessing that wasnt a serious question.... Good answers guys, and gals. But again, no one has ever said it is just about the kill. But if it wasn't somewhat about it, then there is no need for a kill. I'm also still confused on how one can get very excited, but not be thrilled...I guess it is just semantics.