We got into a bit of a discussion argument this weekend about hitting the shoulder on a deer what would take it down, and if really anything would get through the thickest spot on the shoulder. I have personally busted through the scrapula and still got pass throughs and my bow is no rocket launcher by todays standards. Has another ever shot a deer in the shoulder, and had the entire arrow broadhead and all work its way back out in one piece and still killed the deer? I dont want this to be an argument about which broadhead is better or what bow is the best. Have you ever hit a deer, or heard of a time where some hit around the shoulder and as the deer took off it it works the entire arrow back out in one piece, and you found him. Thanks for your responses and I hope your all having some fun in the tree this season.
I'm gonna say yes and than ask you....How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Ok last one out what did was your experience. Did you get both lungs? Go in 12 inches and work its way out? How was the trail and recovery?
My doe this year, ended up with two broken legs. Clipped the near leg and lodged on the far. As she ran the broadhead pulled back into the cavity causing loads of damage. Final resault, she died in 15 seconds less than 30 yards away. Her near leg was broken above the elbow, her far leg busted below, her lungs were soup. I replaced one of the two blades & resharpened the other, broadhead is back in my quiver. Arrow broke though, front 11 or so inches .
Thanks fitz that would be a pretty normal scenario, getting it in far enough and getting it broken off. I did that this year as well, great trail and she went 50 yards maybe. i guess specifically i want to know if anyone has had the entire arrow back out in once piece and there findings.
I can only remember one doe that I hit the shoulder on.The arrow stuck in the far side shoulder and there was no need to track her because she jumped straight up and came down head first.She didn't get up and didn't even kick after the jump.Which I figure was just dumb luck,but I'll take it. And I was shooting 27" Easton XX75 cam-shafts tipped with Thunderhead 125's out of my Dads old Bear Magnum at 65lbs draw.With that set up,you could count on a complete pass through on a double lung broadside shot and it'd take both hands to pull the arrow out of the ground.Of course that was 20 years or so ago too.
Yes... but not on purpose. 4 blade Muzzy at 270 fps. Besides there is good meat on the shoulder... Shoot the ribs they're full of tallow anyway... yuck!
I've only got two archery bucks, and both were complete pass throughs. I've yet to hit the shoulder and hope I never do.
my first archery deer was quartering to me, i center punched her shoulder blade and the arrow stuck in the first rib. Somehow, the arrow didnt break in the 100 yards she ran.
Off shoulder, through both lungs, pass through, on a good size doe 15-17 yards. Cheap Walmart 125gr broadhead, and my bow only shoots 236 fps. It's a method, but definitely not my preferred method.
Why the obsession with the arrow not breaking? I've only hit one deer in the near side shoulder, it was a doe. I got very little penetration, but enough to eventually kill the deer. It was a long track job, but it worked out. The shoulder actually separated at the joint rather than breaking the bone. I've broken tons of opposite shoulders, and put a handfull thru the flat scapula part of the shoulder blade. I would like to see an engineer do some kind of stress test on a shoulder bone. For as many opposite shoulder that break vs near shoulders that don't, I bet the bone is far more suseptable to breaking when hit from the "inside" vs the outside.