spent 4 hrs+ shed hunting/walkabout yesterday finishing up/bright eyeing the new locations... no more sheds found.. those spots are done till hunted next season as weather, etc. allows, wont check on 'em till squirrel season next Aug/Sept .. ..... still would like to make another few trips before turkey season to check on a few older locations and mark entry to three other new ones ... addendum : as of 3-29 I'm now done with this ... however they are busy doing burns and cutting .. watched and heard various turkeys while marking the routes in/out .. a lot of branches and some trees down with all the hard wind we've had and quite a bit of water where there wasnt a week or so back ...... I wont go back till Aug/Sept., no turkey hunting this year ... one of the burns, including the woods and ridges, right where I got two good locations in the woods to the right, about 120 acres they cooked this past wed. .. they do this every 2-4 yrs in various spots as they rotate thru the 8000+ acres .. .. they also use these HUGE brush/tree whacking dozers to go thru and whack every thing except the mature trees ... looks ugly as crap, but a lot of browse when it all starts growing again ...
anyone still out doing walkabout's ? .... green up has started here earlier than normal ... glad I'm done, may have to go back to 7 day work weeks with 1 day off every 3rd week for a bit .. I like the OT, but hate the no days off ..