Hi ya'll, I have been looking and searching for kinda of a "tutorial", if you will on how you veterans select locations for your stands/blinds based on an aerial map or photo. I want to advance my knowledge of preperation, but don't quit know where to start. Please share any tips, information, advise, etc. Thank you very much for your time, information, and experience. Enclosed is an aerial photo of the land I will be hunting.
im by no means an expert as i have asked the same question before. some people like to hunt the thins spots of the woods, as they pinch down the deer movement. so just about anywhere on that curvy section of woods should be good. im sure some more people will chime in with better answers.
Thats good looking property....I'm sure the exsperts will be here soon to take a look. You might even get a pro-staffer. :O GOOD LUCK!!!
I get mine from: Acme mapper. Google acme mapper 2.0. Its one of the best free ones I have found. zoom in to your hunting location and copy it and paste it in paint. There you can draw trails you find on scouting outings, food plot locations, current and future stand locations and all kinds of stuff. It has been a very useful tool for me this off season. I have also found new areas to scout that I just never ventured into before and found some really amazing finds for next season. One of the guys on here even had me email him a copy of my area and he used the coordinates to pull it up and map where he thought travel activity would be and stand locations for early and late seasons. He was almost dead on and I found a couple new trails based on his predictions. Good luck with it. I am not confident enough yet to feel comfortable giving advise on others hunting spots but, yours looks like an area I would love to hunt and I haven't seen many I would.
Heres one i've been using for awile , it alowes you to put your stand locations on it , and you can zoom right in ......http://www.scoutlookweather.com/maps.php?map=locMap&loc_type=7&loc=Sellersburg, IN 47172
I don't know, why this is so damn hard for me to figure out. I must be making it too complicated. Here's the deal, I'm not sure where to put a stand/blind, because I guess I'm still unsure of where they are bedding? The CRP grass is almost chest tall and they could bed in that or obviously the timber. I'm having a difficult time also with a spot I can get in and out without spooking or bumping them? Hope the map helps, rather confuse the heck out of it.
see if you can see any oak trees of any kind in the marsh. They like to grow above the water line, which means a small island. It may only be 1 ft high and 5 ft wide or less. That is all a deer needs for a bed.
Mine too! I just spent an hour looking at the land I hunt and fantasizing about the big bucks I can shoot now that I actually know the wind direction!