I have gone with several friends and family members bow hunting but never had a bow of my own. I finally got a bow this year and so I am new to it. Need advice on what type of broad heads (brand and type) that are the best to use, best type of scent blocker to use, I don't have a tree stand so I need some advice on ground hunting (best way to camouflage myself, sit on the ground or in a chair or blind), and besides calls what are some good ways to attract deer to where you are?
There are lots of broad heads out there that will work for you. I use killzone which are a little expensive but work well for me. But If you would prefer fixed blade broad heads, slip tricks, and montecs work great. Just depends on what you want to shoot. Pros for expandable: Fly better than fixed head broad heads and usually have a bigger cutting diameter then fixed heads. Con for expandable: Don't always get the best penetration. Pros for fixed heads: they get wonderful penetration. Cons for fixed heads: They don't fly great right out of the box, (requires proper broad head tuning on your bow to get it perfect.) Usually don't have a massive cutting diameter. The best thing to do for scent control is washing your clothes in scent killing/odorless laundry detergent. Then after drying storing in a plastic containing. (There are many things to keep your clothes in from various companies that are good but are expensive. All of this depends on how expensive you want to make it.) Take scent eliminating shower and dry off with a towel that you washed with your clothes. Only put on your base layer when driving out to the woods and then put the rest of your hunting clothes on. You can buy really expensive camo or just walmart brand. To me, it works the same. I have both. Even after all the scent control, it won't make you odorless but pretty close. I have had deer come up to me to figure what i was because they didn't know what was the smell. Hunting on the ground can be really good. Depending if you want to pay money for a tree stand or not. Also depends on you wanting to buy a ground blind or not. I tend to hunt from a tree. But i have also just carried a five gallon bucket with me and would sit just up against a tree or other places that have good cover. I had a deer walk past me between 40 yards and i had nothing between me and the deer. I was just sitting on a bucket in a corner of a tree row and an over grown shrub on a fence line. Also if you hunt from the ground practice shooting from a seat! it is different then standing up. One of my first years hunting with a bow I missed three times right back to back because of it. You can build a small ground blind with just sticks and brush. and just sit behind it. I don't know if it is legal or not to bait in your state so check the regulations on that. What i find helpful is to read the topography and aerial photos to see where the deer bed and where they are eating and see where the deer would travel between the two to by the lay of the land. the deer want to travel the path of least resistance so look for funnels between steep ridges and ravines that the deer would go through or go around. On of the worst things to do on the ground is move. The more you move the easier it is for them to see you since you are on their level. And always hunt the wind. Most important part is to have fun and to be able to laugh. I have laughed at myself so many times at the stupid mistakes that i have done and learned from. Good luck brother