Sorry for the multiple posts. Where exactly is tiller measured from i am confused. I have a PSE mojave single cam compound.Thanks again.
Checkout the link in this thread. Fifth reply down, the link has a great description of tiller.
wow that cleared up alot. thanks for the recommendation. I always pull the bow high when drawing and could never get my bow tuned good. Adjusted the tiller just now and it feels a lot better. can't wait to try tuning it tommorrow. thanks again.
no prob, I read that a couple weeks ago, but I was otherwise tuned & sighted in for the season, so my tiller will have to wait until Jan.... oh well. I'd hate to change my otherwise "well" tuned bow now,
my opener is this thursday but i have no choice but to start all over now that i had to get a new rest. thanks again
Good luck Trueburton! The weather here has been windy and rainy the last few days, but I think I'm going to make it out again tonight.
when adjusting tiller are you supposed to completly draw the bow or just enough to put tension on the string. I don't think i'm doing it right. no matter what i adjust it does seem to keep me from pull up off the target when i draw.