I was wondering how your guys acorn crop is this season, here in West Virginia on my farm at least it is horrible I'll find a few trees here and there but nothing like last year when it was like walking into a war when you walked into the woods because there were so many acorns falling.
I just noticed that the crop was looking good when hanging my last set this past weekend. I mean, I am not well versed in the acorn, but there sure were a ton of them on the trees.
i was in WI in the begining of the month and it looked great! IL looked so so but we still got some time. i love being in the woods when them things are dropping!!!!!! keeps me awake, ha
Be thankful for the years in the cycle when the trees shed little or no nuts, those are the years when they have to move around more to find food, if they had plenty nearby they'd have little reason to travel during the day.
WAYYY better than last year. Last year there were barely any acorns at all, and almost ALL of the white oaks in this area didn't produce any at all. Drought, late frosts, something...
The White Oaks in my yard and around the house in farmland here have a ton of acorns. My Chesapeake is eating a ton everyday. lol