Yeahhhh.... when I broke my shoulder in July a couple years ago I was certain I'd be ready for the elk opener...... not even close. Take your time and heal up right my friend, I'll tie one to a tree for ya
Well it’s been a week since my accident and I figured I would update everybody on my healing process. I feel the best that I have since the accident happened as of this morning. Off the narcotics for over a day and my pain level is tolerable without any medications at all. I am beyond excited and blessed! Thank you all for your prayers… I know 100% God has had me this whole time   Sent from my iPhone using Forums
You keep this kind of updating going brother! I worry for your health though, not able to move about and with a wife that cooks like may need to invest in more ground blinds LOL Heal up bud!
I am bumping this thread as it’s been 2 years since my first helicopter ride and I saw another post about a peg that busted causing another serious tree stand accident. PLEASE triple check everything before you trust anything! That fall changed my life and if you ever climb a tree without being connected to it from the ground, you have been warned again…. Still suffering from the fractures in my back… no deer is worth it … ️ for you all Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Chris, you know as you lost a friend to a tree stand accident Sent from my iPhone using Forums
We all think we have lightning fast reflexes. When I was in my early 20s I was running cable lines. Climbed up a big ladder and one of the sections snapped in half when I was about 10 plus feet high without a safety harness. Next thing I know I'm in the middle of the street on my back. Back and ribs bruised. I had been borrowing that ladder from the shop. Some idiot probably drove over it or did something stupid and threw it back into supply without telling someone. Lesson learned. I don't mess with heights without a safety line anymore.
First of all, Tony, Fix, thank goodness you're both OK and here with us. Fix's situation is just a freak deal. Nothing anyone could predict or prevent that sort of thing, just thank god he's alright. Tony, I'm glad too that you're OK and are here to tell us about your situation so we can all be reminded and learn from these sort of things. I think having some type of safety thread pinned to the top is a great idea. I for one really think a seperate thread for saddle safety would be a very wise idea considering the explosion of that market and how many folks are getting into it. Saddles bring about a whole different set of skills needed and awareness of things to look for. I know I have a ton of things I could share on saddle hunting already on what I have learned. Hunting out of trees is something we almost all do. Its dangerous, whether we like to admit it or not. We all get comfortable because we've been doing it for long and don't even think twice about some things. I know I do. Posts like this always make me step back and think about things and raises my awareness.
Gosh dang! Our hobby can be the best time but it can turn tides on us so quick. So easy to get complacent with the stuff that you’ve done hundreds of times. Be safe everyone and @Tony you take care and heal up. I pray all of us stay safe the rest of the season. And Fix as well! Im allergic to bees myself. Scary stuff. Dang it. I thought this just happened and i thought to myself, “again???” Glad this wasnt a repeat nightmare.