My wife and I went to a middle school awards ceremony this evening along with our daughter Cassandra who is a seventh grader.We knew that she was receiving a number of academic awards for her success in a number of classes.She and many of her friends were recognized and that in it self had us very proud! The principal then went on to mention that at the conclusion of the awards ceremony he would be providing an award for the girl and boy who had the highest grade point averages in their class. At that point I leaned over and quietly said to my wife if Cassandra happens to receive the award do not yell out yessss!!! I use humor to deal with my own anxiety.I knew Cassandra had a shot but I also knew that these things can hinge on a tenth of a percentage point difference. Well from the title of the thread you can guess what took place.When the principal mentioned our daughters name I was stunned,proud and had tears coming to my eyes at the same time. A very special day for our family!It happens to be my birthday also.A truly wonderful present!
There's nothing that will bring a tear to a man's eye faster than hearing your child's name being called out for special recognition. It'll be a special moment that you will cherish for a long time. To have it happen on your birthday just magnifies the momentous occasion. Congratulations to you and your family!
That is one awesome feeling isn't it scot? My daughter also had the highest GPA of her 6th grade class. That it happened on your birthday is even better. For me it would beat a new car. Congrats to your daughter and it sounds like you will have many more honors with her.
Wow, I bet that was emotional!! Your all doing something right Scot, your daughter Is doing well. Congratulation's buddy to you and your wife and also to your daughter. Happy birthday too!!!
Thank you and Congratulations to your daughter and your wife and yourself!You just want good things for your kid's.It is nice to see them rewarded when they have worked so hard!