I would be upset about the meat, but still very happy about it being a big buck. It would be a some what bitter sweet.
I think this is how I would feel. Even with the opportunites to take multiple does, I would still be bummed about losing the meat. In the long run though, I'm pretty sure I would forget all about the meat and be happy with the buck.
Well said ... that describes how I would feel .. my brother shot a 130" buck 7 years ago and when we gut it, it stunk bad ...it was NOT gut shot ..... the meat had a nasty flavor ... it ended up feeding the dog .... we were bummed, but hey, he still shot a 130" buck in NY ...it eased the pain ALOT :D
I don't like losing meat, but I'd get over it. Can he get another tag? I'm pretty sure here in PA if you shoot a deer unfit for comsumption thru no fault of your own, the warden can issue you a new tag(but I think you have to forfeit the deer& rack)
If i cant eat it, I dont count it. unless its out of my control (like his situation) and not a poor hit/tracking problem
I would be upset but I would turn in the deer and the state would give a new tag. You can't eat the horns.
I'd be a little upset, but not much. You win some, you loose some. I wouldn't rant and rave about it.
I wouldn't be all that upset about it. In the end wouldn't it be better off for the deer to die a quick death than to be killed off slowly due to a growing infection. If the infection is bad enough to waste the meat I would think that it's safe to say that the deer wasn't going to make it through too many seasons? I'm definatly not a expert on this, but to me it seems logical. If it was one of my previous shots with a bow that caused the infection, than I would be very mad/upset about it.
I would definately be happy about putting him out of his misery. I don't like animals to suffer. I have shot animals that were not what I wanted to use my tag on because they were suffering from a seriouse injury.
All my bucks go to the food pantry. Does go in my freezer. Maybe I shouldnt be that way but I hunt for mature bucks and they taste like crap no matter the time of year. Does are a dime a dozen in my area and we always have a full freezer. I know its not that way for everyone so dont take this the wrong way. Just answering the question
Same here. I've also given up tags to put down someone else's botch up. It's never been a big racked buck to ease my pain of no meat though !! LOL Otherwise... like Silverflicker and busting the rack off during the death run... ground shrinkage is my worst fear !! Not so much with bow but there has been a few rifle bucks in the past that looked alot bigger alive then dead. Tim