I have a location I'm pretty excited about hunting this season. I managed to find a primary scrape area. ( ya know, the whole blind squirrel finding an acorn thing ) Anyway, I placed a hang on in a tree that puts 3 scrapes at 20 yds or under and 2 more within 35. In this stand I have very good cover, a good means of access and will be downwind for the predominant south winds the area has. I will hunt this stand opening weekend if the wind is right. after that I won't sit there until late October during the pre-rut. There is a tree I could hang a stand in that would be off the scrape area but close and overlooking 2 adjoining trails. This would be a good stand for a north wind and is about 80 yds from stand one. Would you hang a stand that close to another? I am leaning towards putting one in there. I would again have good access and good cover, however I don't want to over do it. What say you? BTW, this whole post will not make a lick of difference if they don't use these scrapes again this year. There has been a good deal of traffic on the trails there and fresh chewing on one of the licking branches last weekend. (the branch is the size of my thumb)
Sounds like a Good plan. I have a spot the stands are less then 100 yrds from each other so I can play the wind in that Hot area.