First, I gotta start with a couple of these.... Okay... time for my rant.... WHO CARES? Honestly, I am so sick and tired of hearing about the "steroid era" and all of these "dopers" in baseball. I honestly just don't care. We are talking about a bunch of grown men who are being played to PLAY A GAME! I won't condone steroid use, but what do you expect when players salaries/contracts are based on performance. If taking roids can bump your performance enough to take your salary from $4,000,000/year to $27,500,000/ year, what are you going to do? Here is an idea, stop paying these guys more money in one year than what teachers/polic officers/ect make in a lifetime. A-Rod makes 27.5 million a year, to put that into perspective, a person who works for 50 years would have to make $550,000 a year for those 50 years just to make what he does in ONE year. That is flippin ridiculous. Another thing, people don't care about if a player is using long as they aren't caught. Did people honestly believe that Sosa, Bonds, and McGwire were putting up those numbers without steroids? They didn't care though as it was entertaining, but when the info came out everybody acted shocked and broke out the pitchforks. Simple solution... put it in the past and take steps to prevent it from happening again... and stop the non-stop reporting on ESPN and actually show more important news. Okay, thats my rant for the day, I can't wait for the NFL free agency to begin, hopefully then ESPN will post a story that doesn't involve A-Rods roid use or Phelps tokin the bong.
The problem is, its in every sport, on every team. They are just now starting to test the NFl players. Once the true amount of American sports players are recognized to have taken enhancing drugs is known, the number will be mind boggling.
Im just scared to find out who in the NFL is going to test positive. Right now it has the "clean" image, but we all know that will fall.
Mike Golic had a great point about this yesterday morning on Mike & Mike. He said that he doesn't believe their would be much of an uproar about NFL players who use roids as it is a contact sport and one of the major attractions is the hits/contact in the game. Baseball is all about numbers and using roids directly alters that. Can't argue with that!
The NFL has a clean image? Okey dokey. Let me ask you all this. If they made a pill that would make you the highest paid in your profession....would you take it? Almost zero chance of getting caught and a slap on the wrist when you do.....who can blame these athletes? We live in a ME NOW society, these guys (and gals) are getting paid, just like almost ALL of us would.
Excellent point... when these guys are offered as much money as they make (based on performance), cheating is going to happen. Here is an idea, cut athletes salaries! Make the rewards for cheating less than what they are now... Let families be able to afford to take their kids to a couple ball games a year.
Fine the heck out of them for illegal drug use. Take that money and test welfare recipients for drugs.
Professional athletes make too much money regardless of their stance on "performance enhancing" drugs. I agree. Ban them on the first time around, and begin lowering salaries. Won't ever happen, though.
my take is 'who cares'...all i know is that when i take my family to a game, i want to see a great performance..if i wanted to see average performance, than i will take them to a 'city league' game...if they are using 'illegal' drugs, than fine them as if they were you or i using illegal drugs...if they are using a legal 'performance enhancer'..let them be....who goes to work each and every morning with a cup of coffee in there hands to 'wake up"? Is caffiene a drug?? Does it help you do your job??.. huh...if its a legal drug, let it be...if its an illegal drug, treat them like anyone else would be treated...all i know is with all the hype of these 'role models' putting up huge numbers in there sport, what is this 'really' teaching our kids....
Personally I am tired of hearing about it all. Ban them and prosecute them if they test positive. That's my two cents.
I agree with Buck Magnet i don't care, my opinion there are way more important things going on then steroids.... but that's just my opinion.
I'm gonna eat steroids for breakfast, lunch and dinner so that I can shoot a 140#bow and shoot a 500gr. arrow at 450fps to dethrone Fran and the High Country Speed Freaks. Seriously this steroid thing has gotten out of hand but it is really our faults. We are the ones that continue to pay exorbitant prices for tickets and put pressure on our heroes to break records. It disgusts me to see the salaries these pro athletes are making and they keep wanting more??? The more they make the more pressure and need to enhance their natural abilities. Steroids are nasty, especially the growth hormone. I have a friend that is no longer with us and was working to get his pro card as a bodybuilder. When he died of a speedball overdose they found some interesting things. His liver was over 5 lbs and his heart over three times normal size. Growth Hormone is taken in large doses actually causes organs to grow which leads to the growth gut many top bodybuilders have. Steroids are bad and these people take them regardless to cheat their way int the record books. Support College Sports and stop paying to see these overpaid babies support their Roid Habits
NHL,NBA and up until a few years ago MLB had NO drug testing polich, NFL has had it for a while where every player MAY be tested up to 5 time per yr. if a violation occurs...required tests up to 15 times per month, including off-season. the problem comes when the TYPE of steriods that are being used by athletes... cutting edge that are not detected by the tests that are being adminstered. all the baseball guys who are testing positive are/were doing so when there was NO policy in baseball (dont get me wrong, its still not right) it happens! all you can do is put in the best system you can and try to catch guys who are doing it. dont think we'll ever see a one and done violation penalty because it doesnt give room for mistake, not sure if thats right or not but reguradless of offence the players unions will never agree to a "mistake free" game, reguardless of the sport. wait till they start testing NBA and NHL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not all preformance enhancing drugs make you look like the HULK, just ask the guys caught blood doping in cycling. really tough subject but bottom line is it NOT FAIR to take enchancers! but you got guys who are willing to do anything to play, support family and make money and ask youself this....... would i take something that would set me up financially for life, my family and make me famous and in the record books? man i hope they sort this out!!!!