Went out for a walk with the family in the Southern Kettle Moraine,Geocaching. This is the second nice day this year and I get into the car and I had 2 wood ticks on me. WTH is up with that, Most of the time you get a few good day's in without those pesky critters on you. Watch out turkey guy's
My son had one last week from sheddin. I hate those things :mad1: Its getting about that time, now the skeeters will be next.
This Is the worst time for deer ticks. Last year this time of year right before the snow was all gone I found 4 of them on me from cutting wood. Keep an eye out everyone!!
Jersey is INFESTED!!! I pulled over 100 deer ticks off me 2 weeks ago!!! Last week I pulled off over 50, and yesterday I pulled off about 30. We had some weird weather with snow and then hot melting days. My theory is that all the other critters didn't have the chance to eat those damn things yet. I had limes disease before and it was no picnic. If one has bit you, a doctor can perscribe something to help stop the onset. Be careful!!! Also, 5% of wood ticks carry limes disease!!
I got bit back In January... I thought them bugurs were supposed to be froze out in Jan. Nope, it latched on and it wasnt a day later until I found it.... A week of Dioxycycline(sp) took care of any chance Lyme. Hopefully.
Was food plotting and stand relocation playing this weekend and my partner in crime had one on him. Good idea to check yo self.
So far, so good in SW PA & SE OH. I'm a tick magnet, and I haven't had one get his head in yet. Knock on wood. Be safe, guys. Lyme disease is a nasty, nasty thing.
I too am a tick magnet. Have been for years. Once had 2 on my "you know whats".. and that's NOT cool!
Buy this product "Sawyer Duranon Permethrin". It is for your clothes ONLY. DO NOT SPRAY ON SKIN. I bought 2 spray cans from Cabela's a couple of years ago and I love it. The directions say it can last up to 6 washings but I don't know about that. It will keep ticks and chiggers away. Odorless and leaves no residue. Also claims to the skeeters away. I hang my clothes up outside and spray as directed. I usually let them air dry for about 4 hours. It beats walking through the woods covered in bug spray that stinks and I know it works...at least for ticks and chiggers anyway. A few guys and myself were cutting trails through a very thick cutover a couple of years ago. My clothes were treated and they had nothing...they got ticks and I didn't:d
Thanks for the heads up Dan. I've talked to a lot of people with sinus and allergy issues already this year, which seems earlier than normal for that stuff too.....
Up in here in NY we really dont have ticks at all. Every once in a great while i'll find one on a deer but thats not often at all. Im not sure what it is about me but even when I went down to TN I never once got a tick on me, and they were everywhere. My buddy was covered with them. Mosquitos on the other hand, little bastards love me...