I started skinning the buck and what do I find? A round whole through his upper thigh....I think OK a bit puffy but doesn't look infected I skin on down to my entry wound and one inch from that is yellow and oozing..Great! I call DEC and explain so they send an officer out...I finish skinning in the mean time, because I really don't want a salvage tag. I'm pretty under the weather right now...He shows up. WOW a really nice officer and he looks it over and seriously smells it and says it actually looks isolated and he'd eat it. but he'll give a tag...GEEZZZ! He looks at me and says I thought that's what your looking for..not really. He assured me hes actually had worse and the meat was fine, he hunts...We talked some more and he left I finished up the deer. It's cleaned and quartered. All the cut meat looks and smells great... though...these pics don't look good. Apparently the little guy was a scrapper and got his butt beat literally. Though officer said the one could have been a 22 hole... This is one of " THOSE " seasons...lol
Sounds like a localized puss pocket from a wound infection...antler, or shot, or, who knows. Reminds me of this video... Especially around 11:30 onward. Gross, yet entertaining.
I shot a buck once that had a hole just like the one on yours but on the top of his neck. Was kinda gross. Meat was fine though.
I'm fussy on what meat I eat. I give lots away to poor people or those that have never had it. I wanna give them good,clean,tasty meat. Puss means infection. Ain't gonna eat it.
OMG That nearly made me barf! Ok there wasn't any puss, just the yellowing around wound and the one a clear yellow liquid. If I wasn't feeling so crappy, thanks family, I would have taken salvage. One of the things we talked about was everyone ,including him having a difficult time seeing day light doe.