Got back in my go-to stand yesterday after giving plenty of time to let the cutting of the hay settle down.... Had a doe at 46 yards but never would enter the field I was watching... Awesome I thought... deer are bedding in there(where she came from) Neighbor said he seen the monster 4pnt and 2 does there last tuesday... My hopes were high.. Then I get outside of the house this morning to the sound of beagles hot on rabbits tails... Man I got hot, too... I drove down into the field to investigate. I find two Trucks park in the middle of the field and they are running there beagles through my Bedding area!! I go to confront them, I was super nice, so were they. I politely asked who gave them permission while petting there dogs and such, it was a friendly way of saying...(hey I hunt this, what are you doing here?) Elderly fellow and a 18 year old boy. We talked for 20+min. They told me who gave them permission... and it was the guy who rents the hay... now I don't know how the lease is written, but I go to the "Landowner" for my permission, not the guy who rents for Hay. Anyway, they told me they wouldn't ever be down there while My truck was parked there.. but I mean, what good would it have done me to hunt my stand again after they had been in there? I really have no problem with someone in there with proper permission... but it sucks... especially, when I question the "rights" the Hay cutter has... Rant over.