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A LATE night is going to make for an early morning...

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Scott/IL, Oct 31, 2009.

  1. Scott/IL

    Scott/IL Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 7, 2009
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    Got off work around 4 today, and as I'm walking out the door I get a call from my sister saying that my pops became unresponsive at his therapy session today.

    He had a very major stroke back in early May, and after a 2 month struggle for his life he pulled through and began rehab. He came home in early September and has been improving slowly with outpatient rehab. Walks and talks a little slower, has some vision and memory problems as well, but he's still here.

    So needless to say this phone call sent me into a state of panic and I jumped in the truck and floored it to the hospital. While in therapy he became unresponsive and had a lack of balance for about 10 seconds. They called an ambulance and had him to an ER in a matter of minutes and realized he was having a pretty severe heart attack from the doctors description.

    End result was very lucky timing, and about a week in the hospital to be monitored. Around 10:30 I asked him if he wanted me to stick around and he replied "Get home and get your ass into a stand in the morning". So as any good son would do, I am taking his advice. It's 12:07 as I am writing this. I have my clothes getting a scent free bath in the washer and then I am hitting the sack with dreams of sticking my big 8 I'm after.

    My original plan was to get into my spot around 5 and hang a stand about 200 yards away from where I have been sitting right in the heart of where I think my buck is bedded, however running up that hillside on a few hours of sleep and then trying to put that stand up just isn't seeming like it is going to happen so I will be back in the old spot (and harnessed in very good) and hoping he shows himself again.
  2. RattleSnake

    RattleSnake Weekend Warrior

    Aug 25, 2008
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    Good luck Scott, and I hope your pops gets better bud. I went through a lot with my dad last year, and though he told me to hunt; I still felt I should be there with him. I was torn the whole time in stand. Kill the 8 and go show it to him!
  3. Scott/IL

    Scott/IL Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 7, 2009
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    I'm packing the camera with me so hopefully I can show it to him on tape. Thats wishful thinking though.
  4. RattleSnake

    RattleSnake Weekend Warrior

    Aug 25, 2008
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    Great idea Scott! I did the same thing last year because though Dad couldn't get out anymroe; I tried my best to take the hunt to him with video camera....he loved it and yet hated it because it was just that...he wasn't there.
  5. Scott/IL

    Scott/IL Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 7, 2009
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    My stubborn old man has been out of the bowhunting game for about 6 or 7 years. Last time he shot his bow he nailed his first P&Y buck after many years and hung it up. His shoulders were getting bad he wouldn't trade off his old school recurve for a new compound that would of enabled him to continue (he calls them over priced complex toys). Still gun hunted however, and I'm planning on getting him out there with me for some sits if his health is permitting him to.
  6. KodiakArcher

    KodiakArcher Die Hard Bowhunter

    Feb 15, 2009
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    Anchorage, AK
    Sacrifice a day in the stand to spend with him just to show you care and spend it sharing every detail of your time in the stand getting your buck. Best of luck!!!
  7. Deerslayer7

    Deerslayer7 Weekend Warrior

    Sep 1, 2009
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    Erie County Ohio
    Scott getr done...
  8. Finch

    Finch Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Hope your dad fully recovers. Good luck!
  9. Scot

    Scot Weekend Warrior

    Mar 4, 2009
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    Woodstock NY
    Sorry to hear about your dad!There are so many reminders for all of us to take nothing for granted.Every day is a gift!
  10. Schultzy

    Schultzy Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Lol!! I like your dads thinking. ;) I wish your dad the best of luck Scott, keep your pops updated on your hunts. Best of luck to both of you, you have my thoughts and prayers.
  11. Scott/IL

    Scott/IL Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 7, 2009
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    Well I just got back in from this mornings hunt. I'll start off with that my mom texted me around 9 and said that my dad's heart had became much stronger over night and he was released from ICU early this morning, and should come home tomorrow. Which is much earlier than what was originally expected.

    Now on to the hunt. I finally climbed into bed shortly after 1 and set my alarm for 3. I was still 50/50 on if I was going to hang another stand. Well I woke up and looked at my clock and saw 4:30something. My mind was made up for me then, and I got a couple cups of coffee in me and a shower. I was a little late, and got the camera set up, my bow on the hanger, and everything situated at 6:20. I was greeted with duck hunters letting it rip on their opening day and provided me with a nice soundtrack.

    I rattled a bit around 7:30 and 8:30 with no luck. My plan was to sit until 10 then get down and head to the hospital. Right at 9 I let a few grunts out and then my mom started texting me with the updates. I replied to one and then checked over my left shoulder and saw a deer walking about 120 yards below me at the base of a steep hill. I saw antlers and grunted at him but he never stopped. He disappeared shortly and I grabbed the antlers and started thrashing a tree and smashing them together. He immediatly switched his course and started to come right at me. I looked at the camera and realized I would have to swing it around the tree, so I just said screw it. This buck was going to end up on a path going about 30 yards past my stand. I had ranged it tons of times...31 yards by the stump. I was ready, but I wanted to reassure myself. I ranged it again, and then peered at the buck as he was about 80 yards off. He was BIG! As he walked closer I looked again and saw he was REALLY BIG! and now im nervous as crap. He just had that old mature buck look...gray face, the swagger of the boss buck, and a neck the size of an oak tree. His main beams sweeped around to a close point, as wide as his ears, his right G-2 was split, making him an awesome 9 pointer, and a no doubt shooter.

    The wind is in my advantage, so the buck is getting nervous. I draw and get ready to stop him in my shooting lane, but he stops on his own to take a look down the hill. It all seems like slow motion now, but I take my 30 yard pin take very careful aim. I touch my release and I see my arrow heading right to its point and WHACK!. A small sapling blows up and the buck blows out of the area. I'm crushed, pissed, heartbroken, ticked off, amazed, and everything else that a hunter could possibly be feeling at that moment.

    I got down and checked the scene out, and couldn't find my arrow. I became nervous that I had struck the buck after my arrow his the tree, but I couldn't find any blood or hair. I then walked about 20 yards farther and saw my arrow stuck in the ground with no hair, blood, or any signs of a hit.

    I have had one hell of a season, and it's been a heck of a ride so far. I've hunted this stand 4 times and seen 3 different shooters (saw the big 8 on two different hunts). It's not even November yet, and I feel like I just blew my best chance at what was a stud of a whitetail.

    On the more important note though, knowing that the old man is going to be released within a day or 2 is such a huge relief after everything he has gone through over the last 5 months.

    MUDSHARK Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 16, 2008
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    NW PA
    scott glad things are going better for your DAD, bummer for your shot. stick with it:eek:
  13. Scott/IL

    Scott/IL Die Hard Bowhunter

    Sep 7, 2009
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    The shot will happen, I'm used to sucking by now :p. I'm down here now though, and he is doing great.

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