I think the dilemma starts when the hunting begins. First and foremost we are humans, born to hunt and kill. So when we are hunting we are constantly torn between our innate emotions to hunt and kill and the regulations that restrict our ability to do so. So when our friend arrows that elk, our innate desires to kill kick in and tell us to fling an arrow to end the task. But then that little angel on our shoulder tells us, "remember the regulations!" and we pause....therein lies the dilemma. Torn between hunter of old that hunted to kill in any way and hunter of new that has to be mindful of hunting regulations.
yes. I don't know crap about elk or the behavior of elk. The odds of me calling one in? HA! Yes was my answer, but, after reading what Shed posted, (and I believe he knows what hes talking about), if I knew an elk would likely bed close by then I likely would not shoot. Dustin, I have been hard headed all my life, thats not likely to change any time soon. So I CAN'T give a simple yes or no answer. Its against my nature! If my best friend and I are out elk hunting, he has a tag and I do not, I'm doing the calling for him, then my bow is probably back in camp.
If I'm out there calling elk for a buddy its more than likely the mulie tag is on a back burner. I turkey hunt with friends, we call for each other, the caller is generally unarmed. One thing at a time. When one tag gets filled we'll start worrying about the next one.
What's wrong with my friend "**** Deadeye"? Bad shot and a slow reloader? If I had the oppurtunity to follow up and there was no way my partner could, I would. I just wouldn't want to risk losing the animal if it could be avoided.
Refer back to my first post, Jeff. I voted to take another shot no matter who placed it. Even though my following posts may seem to contradict themselves I would take the 2nd shot (or have my buddy to if I was the 1st shooter. BUT it would not feel like a complete and true kill to me. Thats all that I was saying. That elk would get two arrows either way.
People justify their answers hoping they won't have to explain themselves later (which is usually the case). The funny thing is that it still did not work.
What if it was hit in the shoulder? Maybe lethally, maybe not. Wounded either way.. Would you back up your lousy shooting buddy then? (sorry, I'm just disappointed this only at three pages) :evil:
I would not shoot. My buddy should be shooting again. If not as with most bad shots if you do not push the animal if should not go far.