Did any of you lose arrows starting out in archery? I've lost four out of the seven i had, hay bails do not stop arrows at all. I shoot at a foam board which blocks them up to about mid way up the shaft. Sure I'm accurate at 20 yds. but at 30 yds. I'm plain terrible. I'm lucky if I make it in the black ring at that distance. Any shooting tips at all? Any feedback is greatly appreciated, especially for an archer with the experience of two weeks. - Thank You
Practice Practice Practice. I shoot just about everyday at distances ranging from 20-60 yards. Instead of jumping from 20 to 30 maybe move back in smaller increments, this will allow you to get comfortable shooting out farther. I've also found that to get good at one distance it is best to practice farther out because it helps with the pin float. And to answer your first question yes I've lost arrows. I actually lost one 2 weeks ago in a 3D tournament, I totally misjudged my distance!
I am shooting an older model Browning Micro Adrenaline with Beman ICS Hunter Junior Arrows. Also my bow is set at 45 lbs. (I know its not much, but if I set it to 50 lbs. I might have to recalculate my pins).
Yep, I too have lost a bunch of shafts over the years. Then there are the ones destroyed by impact from follow-up shots (Robin Hood). Those are much easier to swallow. The difference between 20 yards and 30/40/50 and 60 yards is refinement of technique. 1: consistent foot placement 2: consistent hand placement and pressure (or lack of pressure) on grip (use of a sling helps in forgetting about catching the bow upon release) don’t torque the bow on release 3: control of release trigger…you are looking for slow, smooth pressure on the trigger until Surprise! the arrow is gone 4: consistent sight picture and draw anchor point(s) The basics are just that, basics. Much of what I’ve written is easier to say than to implement...consistently.