I've been saying this the last few weeks on here that I "think" I've only saw one mature buck In 24 years of bow hunting In the late season In December. Well this evenings was a no doubter on my 1st mature buck sighting In December, guess who once again?? Saw him at 4:00 this evening, a good hour before dark. I was on the complete opposite side of the woods this time hunting off of a different bedding area that In previous years other mature bucks have used. I threw a new stand up In this spot yesterday and didn't hunt It, what a hunt It was this evening. He came out a few minutes after a huge doe and fawn came out, they were at about 70 yards. A few minutes later 4 other doe's and fawns came out directly down wind of me about 12 yards from me. He went up to the doe and sniffed her and had no Interest In her and he then made his way to the 4 deer In front of me. He got with In 30 yards, stood broadside for a minute or 2. I could see pretty easily where I had hit him back on October 19th, the shot does look high but to be honest I don't think It was such a bad shot. Looks to me like the broadhead didn't go through the shoulder blade, too big of a broadhead for my recurve and for that big of a bone I'm thinking. This will be my last year shooting these big 1 1/2 Snuffers If that's exactly where my arrow did hit. I had always used the smaller 1 1/4 Snuffers and never had problem with bone so I may go back to them and or a single bevel 220 grain Outback . Whether I get this buck or not, I'm going to a smller head next year or maybe even this year. We'll see. Any how he straightened out and took one step towards me and the deer and just like that the one doe threw her head up and got a whiff of me and he locked right up going off of the body language of the doe. 10 minutes later It was all over, off the 4 deer went slowly trotting with him following closely. SOB I was heart broking AGAIN!!! This buck Is super wide, 20 to 22 Inches of Inside spread I bet. All In all I saw around 18 to 20 deer this evening, 3 of which were bucks. I can't get back out till Monday, going to be a long weekend thinking about this encounter and knowing I should be out there.
DANGIT, buddy!! All I can say is that when you DO put this big boy down you're gonna have some REAL special memories with him.
Wow, that was close Steve. Can you move your stand closer and maybe off to the side of the bedding area? He's on to your stand where it is now.
Like I told you on the phone, they make these bows now. They have little wheels on the ends of the limbs. By god you can shoot 30 yds with them.
LOL! Steve, man I can't imagine that! Two times in a season, and once in mid-December! I'm hoping one of these days I log on here and see a post of you kneeling behind him, bud. Keep at it!
Man Steve put that thing down! He has nine lives. He needs a nickname for all the hell he has put you through this season.
Steve, this buck is taunting you and pissin me off I would so love to see you get this bad boy this year One thing is for sure you do know he is in his home range. All to often Big bucks killed, are far from there homes in search of Does. This gives you better odds knowing that he is in the area, and allows you to better make adjustments toward taking him, just like you just did on the stand change. good luck bro,,,get em! OH, if he makes it, and I hope he dosent via your arrow you may just find this guys sheds.
Wow Steve so close again!!! I hated them big snuffers when I was shooting recurve, I really liked the two bladers they always worked great!! Good luck getting him down..Walt
I got your text this morning Steve, sorry I missed ya last night. That's just another incredible encounter. Steve, regardless of what happens this year, You've won.
I was wondering about this. Do you think he was on to me? Honestly I don't think he knew what was going on, he just knew the other deer didn't like something. What's he thinking In a scenario like this Greg? Is It maybe a good Idea that I'm working all weekend with everything that happened yesterday evening? Thanks for all the good luck wishes everyone.