I stumbled across this old treestand that I made. I had to laugh at how things have changed. It's a wedge stand that we would hinge in a v shape then insert it in the crotch of a tree and step down on it to lock it in. It's made from a pine 2x6, a hinge, and some sharpened nails. Believe it or not we used to stand on these things - no safetybelt ! Then I bought a baker! LOL
I don't bounce as well these days. I think I'll retire it. It sure brings back memories though. This one doen't show a lot of wear so I'm sure it was the last one I made. It didn't get camoed but The hinge must be recycled from a older model. It's probably around 30 yrs old!
Thats awesome....hide it quick before somebody patents a new plastic model Nice thing with a stand like that tho is the fact that it is very portable and lightweight.....perfect for public land:D
Had a few Live Oak trees one time that I actually just stood on, or straddled a limb. Older bones don't last as long though now.:D
Me and my brother/cousin used to make wooden tree stands. 1 fall by a buddy took care of that. Ill never make one again.
That cool!!! I live in a log home back in the woods I hunted as a kid....when you turn into my drive way and go about 50 yards and look to the left, I can see an old tree stand I built as a teen and use to traditionally sit in it on the last hunt of the year....always brings back memories benn 30 years since I sat in it.... SB
Oh man does that bring back memories I had one of those. There was a company that used to manufacture those for awhile. I had two home made death trap climbers back in the day
A buddy of mine has one of those commercial "crotch stands." He used it a couple of years ago. I myself am way too uncomfortable with heights to ever use anything like that. That takes me back to the days when 3 pairs of jeans, a Woolrich jacket, and electric socks in work boots were "cold weather gear."
I'll never forget (or miss) the days when 90% of the trees where I hunted where black cherry, and they didn't have hand climbers back then. A season of that & my forearms are nothing but scar tissue.