Last night the wife and I took a drive as I wanted to show her the food plots we that we have been working so hard on. My mom was admitted to the ICU and thank god things look to be improving, but this was a way to relax and watch what deer were coming into it. So we parked the truck about 300 yards out and watched with bino's in hand. BY 8:15pm, we had 23 deer, 8 of which were bucks, one really nice 17-18 inche 8 point (and he has some growin' to do) and 2 bucks that were in the 14-15 inch but really tall 8 points.... Guess they like what we planted..also told me to fill some doe tags...2009 is looking good !!!
I am planning on taking the video camera up as they were out again...I can easy watch them from a distance without bootin' out.
Rob, doesn't know much about the man law thing. NEVER leave home without a camera. Except of course if your shooting the 3-D league then maybe its a good idea to leave the movie camera home. (inside joke) Anyway I have seen the food plots and they look real good. I might just have to go help Rob clear out some of those does.
where is this place at i could use a new place to hunt i'm just down the road aways say 30 miles!!!!!!!!!!!! hmmmmmmmmmmmm count me in on the does!!!!???????
I've got the mixture of arrest ready to go. Just say when your going.NOTE: I shoot 3-D Sunday mornings. Afternoon I'm good and even most Saturdays
Your missing a signature there Mr. Doug... I will let you know, we are going to try to do some work Friday morning. Plans are to re-disk the field and get 2 tons of lime on it as well as Round Up on it before the rain. With the friends coming in from out of town it will be hard any other time...but Sunday evening should be good for me