for a while, our County sheriffs carried Sig's in that chamber... they also had interchangeable barrels for 'em to go to .40's ... not sure what they have now ..
It's just not a common round and options aren't great, just like any other boutique round. So, I offloaded it years ago. Favorite thing to do was hand it to someone right about dusk and see the reaction to the insane fireball it emmited. Unreal.
I have always been a bit surprised that it didn't catch on more at least with LE. I remember seeing a "windshield test" several years ago, a LE agency tested several different calibers on how well they would go through a sloped windshield rather than deflect off of it. .357 Sig was hands down the winner (just 9mm, .40, and .357 Sig was tested). If I remember right, 9mm glanced off quite often, .40 was around 50%, and .357 Sig was in the 90's percentile to go through. Seeing that made me curious and I looked up the ballistics on it, definitely pretty impressive when compared to 9mm and .40. I've since thought about having one to carry when archery elk hunting. While I mainly think about a sow black bear with cubs or a cougar being the reason I pack a sidearm, in reality the main possibility of needing to defend oneself is more likely to be a cow moose with a calf. In all my time in the woods that is the only animal I've had an encounter with where I was pretty darn nervous how it was going to play out there for a minute. I'd feel a bit better having something like a .357 Sig, 10mm, or even a .357 mag with something as big as a moose.
Only real difference I saw in the Glock 9mm vs the Glock 45acp was the recoil. 9mm stayed on target better due to less recoil.
Thanks we are buying our retirement place and she’ll be up there alone at times, she wanted some protection. Takes her CPL class here soon. I have a .22 ruger that was my grandfathers, I love that little pistol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Finally got my defender back from being ported and polished, new trigger and a Kimber spring in it. Sweet shooting little pistol.