I think I'd be more worried about the type of bullet loaded in each. A fmj in each, if I had to, I'd choose the smaller hole. But I wouldn't want anything to do with a Gold Dot or anything like it that has expansion.
To this point and the point raised by Dr @dnoodles... if I'm the receiver, a 9mm with birds hot, from a sufficient distance may be my preference, if, I have the choice. I've had a good bit of 12ga birdshot rain on my already... If I'm on the delivery side, the bullet/ammo is a huge consideration as is the caliber, as is the delivery tool. EDC/CC for potential self defense, pinking or amidst grizz country may all justify a different, uh, recipe. I just don't have a place for .50 cal, Dr @Sota may. Ymmv
the original question is what you'd rather be shot by, not what you'd choose in case you had to to shoot someone with. Again, all else being equal- the average 9mm is 124-147 gr and using the most aggressive HP in a consistent medium would expand to appx. 13mm. the average .45 (11.43mm) is 180-230gr and using the most aggressive HP would expand to appx. 18mm. Expanded, that's a full .20/5mm bigger hole than a 9mm. F that!
Told my wife I wanted an Alabai pup would get rid of the cameras, the security system and loaded handguns, she is concerned about the fur.
I sold my 45s and 10mm and I all my remaining center fire handguns are 9mm. I shoot them way better. with modem bullets wound channel has more to do with bullet design than diameter.
Im willing to bet there is polymer in that Colt Defender of yours somewhere like the mainspring housing anyways glock go brr
Nope, the defender is still at the shop getting the trigger replaced and I believe the spring will be replaced as well. My full size 1911 is my favorite.
You know I prefer my full size 1911, you fill a clip in the defender and the full-size 1911 and quick shoot the full clip the full size is on target after every shot.
Illegal in the NFL... Holds multiple pieces of paper together in the business world Works like a barrette in the hair fashion world, also called a banana clip Term also used in gardening and landscaping often times interchanged with pruning....
Look at old Gun Digests: the manufactures ( who own the privilege of naming their things as they choose ) used the terms clip and magazine interchangeably. It was the self appointed review writers who claimed a distinction based on stripper clips. They had no high ground.
The joke doesn’t work when you take it too serious. Most gun people know the what is meant by the term clip.
sorry where I grew up in an earlier era we called them clips, I will continue to do so with zero shats given. They do not correct me where I have purchased my colts.
I do have to confess I bought that stainless colt defender and spent $ on having it upgraded, I would rather the gov't issued full size 1911 if my life depended on it.
1911, give me the .45acp. Compact/subcompact give me the 9mm. Walking it back, I may just well choose the 10mm. I like knock down power, then repeatability. 10mm kinda provides both of those being compared.
It never took off really, but 357 sig had some insane ballistics. I owned an XD in 357 sig. Fun to shoot, but the boat accident and all.