I took my old Recurve out and was admiring it. It is in excellent shape and a thing of beauty. It is a light green with blue inlays..... Whats a bow like that worth now days ? I have no interest in parting w/ it, but I see what they cost now and are not nearly as pretty.... SB
Don't know where I posted my first reply. I too own a recurve from 1976. It's a Bear Polar. Laminated wood w/glass limbs. that was my first bow. Your right, the wood does look beautiful. But I dare not put the string on, the limbs have small cracks in them. I'm afraid that would tear those limbs apart. Good wall hanger tho.
Ive got that same bow SB, I shot a doe with it during late archery this year. It sure is majestic carrying a thing like that into the woods...