I was out looking today for about 7 hours. Man was it slick out there with the frost coming out of the ground. I had to keep a walking stick with me just stay upright at times. Don't know how many miles I put on but it was quite a few. Once I got home and looked at my trail cam pics, I figured out why I didn't find any antlers. They are all still on the deers heads.:d Every buck on my cameras has both sides with him yet. I'll give it a few more weeks before looking again. On the positive side, I didn't find any dead deer either.
Sounds good. Today was a great day to be out with the weather we're having. I have one local buck coming in to our feed above our house that's been shed for quite sometime. I still haven't found any dropped ones yet when I've been out.
I havnt found any sheds yet either, so i put my camera on a heavy trail to see if they still got them on their heads. Ive heard report's of finds and 1 antlered deer around but not anything too close to home.
Our deer really started dropping in the last week or so. Only a matter of time before your's do. Looking forward to seeing what you find this year !! Best of luck !! Tim
John, I hear you on the frost coming up. I think if the weather continues to be nice around here most of the cornfield I was walking yesterday will be impassable. Heck, I almost got my truck stuck just parking in front of the old pasture I was gonna be looking through.