Congrats! That long distance will make you lights-out at the closer distances. When you going to try 60?!
Joshua I have the same sight. And it had to be sighted in at 20 and 60 yards. I was so nervous because I'm a new bow hunter. So going out to 60 my first week with the bow was not something I was looking forward to. I was shooting a 6 inch grouping after about 10 shots. One thing I noticed was after going back to 20 and 30 yards where I'm comfortable my grouping there became extremely tight. I doubt I will ever take a shot that far while hunting.
After I set my sight up correctly last week I shot 60 yards for the first time. That's when I was shooting with my dad in my last post. My group was pretty decent at 60 and under that I had to aim at a different spot every 2 shots or I hit my arrows, I tore some vanes the first couple shots. I love my HHA