So I was just made aware that there is now 5 oceans? WTF? Pacific Atlantic Indian Arctic That's what I learned in school. Now apparently there is some thing called the "Southern" ocean? When did this happen? This has turned my world upside down at the moment.
Well just how do you think there can be a New World Order without rearranging the oceans? Globalization, if you will. As for Pluto, exclusion is the 1st step towards Universification. Now excuse me, I've got some Employeeficating to do.
Cool? COOL??!! There is nothing "cool" about this. Why are "they" constantly trying to destroy my childhood with made-up "oceans" and blatantly being prejudice against Pluto? I want heads to roll!
Just the same as they now have a pledge of allegence to "The earth" in schools. Damn left wing whackos in charge you know.