Looking at a new 3D target and was wondering if you had any recommendations. Is the price of the Glen Del Buck realy worth it?
Look into Rinehart targets. They are expensive but they will last forever. You will never need to buy another one. The Glen Del Buck is an ok target in my opinion. It has metal rods that run up into the body and will destroy arrows if you happen to hit one, a friend of mine has one and has ruined a couple of arrows. just my .02
I have a Glen Del Full Rut and like it. I got it from a local shop for $200 and my buddies and I shoot the thing all the time for 2 years now and still haven't had to replace the insert. The only metal rods I am aware of are in the legs, which the rebar slide in to hold it up.
I have either a Delta or McKenzie target. I got it for free because someone was moving out an left it behind. But it is an incredibly good target and both Delta and McKenzie are the lower priced brands.
thereis only one good 3D target and thats a rhinehart, but if u just need a cheap target to shoot every now and then delta
I have had good luck with the Glen Del full rut. When you shoot them out you just get a new insert and you are good to go. I like the Rhinehart targets, but they are pricey