So the 3D course was a challenge with the wind, sun and lack of sleep A new champion was crowned and damn that kid can shoot! We had a tie and then a shoot off, it was a great time. Poor Hank couldn't beat the raceway even though he had the worst case of post drinking shakes known to man Bowtech was also missing from the Podium for the first time. Not sure how the rest of the shoots went but I think the clays were taken by an Elite shooter
Congrats to Issac on great shooting all weekend. I could teel from his accuracy at the campgrounds on Friday that everyone was in trouble. And by the way, the 3D wasn't his only win on Saturday. Check out the blogs for more info and pics from the GTG.!-2010-G2G-Going-Strong3b-Bowhunters-Galore!.aspx
Got admit, that kid was on fire! what a difference from last yr. here is everyone's expression when Issac was practicing at camp and hit the mark on "dinger" 3x at 50 & 60 yds.
Issac <<<< definanition = Stud behind a Bow Dude, you were on fire and I couldnt be happier for you congrats to you, you earned it!!
Issac definitely did a really good job shooting. He cleaned house on everything which if you're gonna do it, you may as well do it big!