Made a cover for my 3D target out of some 2x4's I had and three 4x4's. Used some old tin for the roof I took off an old shed that was falling down. The black piece on the back is from an old rubber bed liner from a junked pickup. I put that on for some shade from the late afternoon sun and to slow down any wild shots from my buddies. The 4x4 across the bottom has 3/4" holes drilled in 2 1/2" so you can put the legs of the target in the holes. Fun winter project. Sent from my Pixel 3 using Forums mobile app
Nice. Good idea and design. Passed a house yesterday that had a foam target in the front yard with a few arrows in it. I'm fortunate to have an indoor range of 10 yards. Use it to work on form by working for a tight group and build up the muscles for drawing the bow. I use the fence around the LP tank as a backstop for my bullseye target or 3D buck. I can shoot up to 35 yards.
I have made a very simile thing at my friends house but with the roof more slanted so we could practice off a tree stand