Today my fiance and I went out with my bestfriend Matt to his family farm to do a little bass fishing at the pond. As we are fishing we notice the head of an animal pop out of the water at the opposite end of the pond.... knowing that the muskrats are really working over the bank and causing problems he went to his truck to get the varmit gun.... a Reminton .308 with a Carl Zeiss 3.5-10X40 scope, custom stock... the works. He gets set-up and finds the culprit in the scope when it popped back up under the undercut bank.... he slowly squeezes the trigger and water and mudd flies. We walk over and check the area expecting to see a dead muskrat but we don't see anything... no blood, no hair, just muddy water. About an hour later we see the "muskrat" pop its head up again... this time Matt gets a good look and here what we thought was the head of a muskrat was actually a large bull frog :d No wonder we didn't see any blood from his first shot.... I don't think a bull frog really stacks up to a .308 :d I have never laughed so hard in my life:d