So, tomorrow is our three year anniversary. I am lost. What should I do? She never WANTS anything special. We are very simple people . I asked her where she wanted to go... She said Denny's for breakfast. lol. I am thinking of taking her up to the North Branch, MN Denny's in the morning. It's a whole lot cooler. It's like an old diner style, and a whole lot cleaner. It's shiny:d . Then what? A movie? IDK. I am lost at these sort of things.
Lol, funny you should mention that.... I was thinking the same thing. She always talks about going on "nature walks" with her family when she was a kid. before her dad split on them. I think that would be fun, except for the fact it is going to be 20 something, with the wind chill bringing it down to the teens. Shopping is an idea, but we do that anyways. If we see a store one of us wants to go to, we go to it.
That's pretty good John. If breakfast is all she wants, give it to her in style. Nice John. Congrats MNKK.
What is she into? What makes her tick? What brings her heart to the surface? Find that, and go do it.
She hates MN. and wants to move to North Carolina. I should just wake up tomorrow and start packing. lol. Tell her we are moving. TODAY!!! That might get me some. Brownie points that is.:d
LMAO.....didn't ask what she hates........derrrrrrrr...... about.........well let's see you could get her uhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........yeah I got nuthin........Oh wait, get her a new GPS for "her" truck.....worked for me.
Do something she wants you to do even if it's something small. For my girlfriend and I's 4 year anniversary I took her t the best sushi restaurant in town. I was never a sushi guy, but after going i realized what i was missing. Now, we have another thing that we can both do together instead of her going with just her girlfriends. Something like that will really impress her. I'm not saying it has to be sushi, I'm just saying do something she always wanted both of you to do, and who knows, you may like it. Oh and I like the shed hunting idea too! For Valentine's day I took Laura to shoot my pistol and then to eat. It was something she had never done before, and it turned out she liked it. It was something different for her.