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$3,170.90 worth of FREE Firenock LLC Products

Discussion in 'Manufacturers, Press, and Pro-Staff' started by firenock, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. firenock

    firenock Newb

    Nov 13, 2009
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    henry IL
    Would you like to take the CHALLENGE? Well, if you have some free time and are willing to conduct a thorough evaluation on three lighted nocks then read on. Although it doesn’t matter what arrow shaft you shoot as Firenock is now available in all sizes with an inside diameter of 0.202” to 0.304”. As not many company make all the sizes like Firenock do, and none make target systems, therefore this channel will be limited to Firenock “S” style/standard 0.242”-0.246”, below is the entire Firenock “S” style fit list and a picture of Firenock "S"(if allowed). Please note that most other lighted nock company do not have Firenock’s multi-diameter fit capability. i.e. Goldtip GT nocks will not fit Carbon Express arrows, Carbon impact nocks will not fit Gold tip arrows.
    • Arrow Dynamic: .395 Mag
    • Beman: ICS Camohunter®, ICS Hunter Elite ™, ICS Hunter™, ICS Camo Hunter™, ICS Hunter Junior™, ICS Venture™, ICS Energy™
    • Cabelas: Carbon Hunter, Stalker Extreme Carbon, Outfitter Series
    • Carbon Xpress: Aramid KV, Mayhem, Maxima Hunter, Maxima, Maxima 3D-Select, Terminator Hunter, Terminator XP Selecty, Terminator Select, Terminator Select Hunter, Terminator Lite, Terminator Lite Hunter, Terminator Lite Select, Carbon Rebel, Carbon Rebel Hunter, Piledriver, Pradator II, Thunderstorm SE, Thunderstorm, Heritage
    • Carbon Impact: Stealth XLT, Trophy Hunter, Carbon youth
    • Carbon Tech: Whitetail, Panther, Cheetah, Rhino
    • Easton: Flatline Surgical, Flatline, LightSpeed, Lightspeed 3D, PowerFlight, ACC 3-60/340*
    • Forge: Extreme Kevlon™
    • Gold Tip: Pro Hunter, XT Hunter, Expedition Hunter, Falcon, Traditional XT, Traditional Hunter,Big Game 100+, Ted Nugent Signature, Velocity, CAA .350*
    • High Country: Speed Pro
    • PSE: Carbon Force, X-Weave, X-Weave Pro
    • Red Head: Carbon Fury, Carbon MAX2, Carbon Maxx, Carbon Hunter,Carbon Supreme, Carbon Supreme Lite
    • Scout Mountain Equipment: Epsilon Arrows
    • 30.06 Archery: Tom Nelson Signature Arrow
    • Vapor: Predator, Predator Pro, Hunter, Hunter Pro, Pro Black, Pro Whitetail, Whitetail, Carbon Alumium .400*, Carbonwood, Wayne Carlton Signature, Vapor Jets
    • Victory: V-Force, V-Force HV

    You will receive product purchase reimbursement and the following product package after you successfully complete the FIRENOCK CHALLENGE 2010.
    • 9 Firenock circuits (hunting or target in H, T, N or K series) in any 6 available colors of LED in any combo you want (value at $35.00 X 3=$105.00)
    • 3 Firenock nocks 7-pk in 7 styles (A, C, E, F, S, V & Y) and up to 9 (clear, blue, green, orange, pink, red, wood, smoke, & yellow) colors in any combination you want (value at $9.95 X 3=$29.85)
    • 3 Firenock 3-pk standard batteries (value at $10.95 X 3=$32.85)
    • 3 O-rings pack ($2.00 X 3=$6.00 or $5.00 X 3 = $15.00 if the tester picked the C or F style)
    • 3 match weights 3-pk ($9.95 X 3=$29.85)
    • 3 extreme shock battery end cap 3-pk ($9.95 X 3 = $29.85)
    • 4 18-pack Aerovane Ir1 (available in red or white) or Aerovane II (available in 10 colors); (good for 3 fletch on 2 full dozen arrows) ($10.95 X 4=$43.80)
    • 6 Aerovane Tool ($0.99 X 6 = $5.94)
    • 1 Firenock hat with LED and battery ($19.95)
    • Priority Mail to you ~ $5.00
    Total value at high as ~ $317.09

    This is what is involved.
    1) You can not be a pro staff, shooting staff member or affiliated in any way with any company that makes a lighted nock.
    2) You cannot be a participant of Firenock challenge before.
    3) Only the first 10 persons who respond will be chosen for the Challenge 2010.
    4) Evaluator will be required to conduct a series of tests involving 1 nock each from three companies. Evaluator must purchase a Firenock Pack. (Note: For bows that shot 300fps or use target like Spiderweb, Morrell 400FPS, Extreme Shock Battery End Caps are mandatory in order for Firenock to function correctly under those conditions) Evaluator must also purchase 2 other Lighted Nocks from 2 other companies, your choice. (Archer-Flame, Firefly, G-force Nock, NockTurnal, LazerEye, Lightning Nock, Lumenok, PoNock, Tracer, etc.). Evaluators will receive reimbursement from Firenock for the other 2 non-Firenock purchases upon finishing and sending in a detailed evaluation for this Challenge. If multipack nock is purchased, only one nock will be reimbursed for (i.e. a $24.00 pack of 3 will get back $8.00 tax not included)
    5) When you notify me that you want to be part of the challenge, you need to send me the receipts of all 3 nocks; receipt date cannot be earlier than April 26, 2010. You must contact Firenock owner Dorge Huang: [email protected] or fax: (309) 356-5007 ASAP since only 10 will be accepted.* Please check the official Firenock challenge site to see the number of evaluators chosen to see if the slots were full. After notify Dorge that you want to be part of the challenge, you will have up to May 5th to submitted all three receipts or you forfeit the challenge.
    6. Evaluators must shoot each of the three company’s lighted nocks at least 100 times unless the nock fails prior to reaching the 100th shot. You must then note that in your report.
    7) After shot #50 submerge the entire arrow with field point or broad head in regular tap water over night to test for water resistance.
    8) After shot #75 submerge the nock as it is installed in an arrow in a glass of salt water (1 table spoon of table salt in a cups of water fully dissolved should provide a salty solution good enough for the test) for no less than 12 hours, then place the arrow while wet in a bow case and let it stay there at least one night before continuing with the shooting phase. Please indicate in your report the time frame from the time the nock was soaked and remained in the case before it was taken out and shot. *
    90 After shot #99, find a concrete block or any hard object that you feel should break the nock when shot. Shot all 3 nocks and note the result. (i.e. you may break your arrow, so proceed with caution!) If you decided not to do this 100th shot as you do not feel like breaking any of your arrows, I understand. Thus this 100th shot test is optional for the tester.
    10) Post a detail report/review on each (no less than 3 page of text for all 3 nocks, and photographs of the nocks). The report should include Brand/model name and cost for each nock, where each was purchased and how easily or difficult the assembly/installation process was for each nock. Include how each nock performed during the testing phase, after the salt water, tap water and final shooting performance stages. Also what you liked and disliked about each nock. Please be honest and truthful on your review/opinion/observation, as your test and personal information regarding each nock will be made public. As an evaluator we will publish only your name and city/state. You can add any test you think is relevant to what you as an archery would like to see or use.
    11) When your evaluation is complete you will be asked to send it (word or text file) and the photos (jpgs) to Dorge Huang (e-mail: [email protected]) AND also post it on at least one general archery forum. When we receive your review Firenock will send you the products listed above and reimbursement you for the purchase (a check in the amount of the other 2 lighted nocks as I should already have your receipts).
    12) The reviews (including picture(s) posted) will become property of Firenock LLC
    13) This offer and the results will be posted in many places.
    14) This offer ends when the first 10 have signed up and sent in receipts for all 3 lighted nock purchases.
    15) This offers ends on May 1st, 2010 even if less than 10 people had sign up.
    16) All 3 lighted nocks remain the property of the evaluator.
    17) All rules must be met or evaluator will be disqualified.
    18) The most updated site for the status of this offer will be on, with the thread titled “$3,170.90 worth of FREE Firenock LLC Products”. I shall try to maintain all posted site, but the official site is the only place that counts!
    19) The Firenock Challenge Evaluations must be concluded and received by Firenock LLC no later than June 30th, 2010. *Evaluations not received by this date will be considered withdrawn and therefore cancelled.

    After everything said and done, you will get the product as listed above and be reimburse for the 2 other non-Firenock lighted nocks (tax will not be reimbursed). Your actual out of pocket expense will be minimum.* And if Firenock you purchased is not for you, you have 30 days to send it back to Firenock LLC for a full refund (shipping and handling to you included) if you purchase your Firenock from the web store

    Have fun. Spring is about over, summer is about here.* Before you know hunting season will be here ... We need something to do till the hunting starts.

    Dorge Huang
    Operating Manager of Firenock LLC
  2. firenock

    firenock Newb

    Nov 13, 2009
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    henry IL

    4 has sign up so far

    1) Tim G
    2) Dave G
    3) Jeff T
    4) Jason W

    Just a reminder, the only way to seal your spot is send in the receipts of all three nocks by May 5th 2010 and you need to sign up before May 1st 2010.
  3. firenock

    firenock Newb

    Nov 13, 2009
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    henry IL
    Status Update

    8 has sign up so far

    1) Tim G:
    2) Dave G
    3) Jeff T: Firenock S, G5 S, Lumenok S
    4) Jason W:
    5) Mike:
    6) Bob W:
    7) Jarrod K:
    8) John M:

    2 more spot left
  4. firenock

    firenock Newb

    Nov 13, 2009
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    henry IL
    Status Update

    Due to communication takes time instead of 10 I got 11 now. It is all good. :)
    1) Tim G:
    2) Dave G
    3) Jeff T: Firenock S, G5 S, Lumenok S
    4) Jason W:
    5) Mike:
    6) Bob W:
    7) Jarrod K:
    8) John Ma:
    9) John Mu:
    10) Chris W:
    11) Cindy L:
    See if they all beside one who had already send me the receipt! Just a reminder, the only way to seal your spot is send in the receipts of all three nocks by May 5th 2010
  5. firenock

    firenock Newb

    Nov 13, 2009
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    henry IL
    Reopen, new deadline.

    People should not want to be in the challenge unless they are really serious for it. They took up spots for people who really want to do it. I have to turn away people for I have 10 already. I am glad that a few asked me to contact them if someone withdraw. Below is the update as of 2010/05/07.

    1) Tim Gurewicz: WITHDRAW 2010/05/06
    2) Dave Joseph: WITHDRAW 2010/05/06
    3) Jeff Teti: Firenock S, G5 S, Lumenok S
    4) Jason Whitt: WITHDRAW 2010/05/06
    5) Mike: WITHDRAW 2010/05/07
    6) Bob Wisdom: WITHDRAW 2010/05/06
    7) Jarrod Kotes: WITHDRAW 2010/05/04
    8) John Masloski: CX LaserEye Green, Firenock S, Lumenok SG
    9) John Muller: Firenock A, Lumenok X, Tracer X
    10) Chris Warden: Firenock S, Lumemok S, Tracer S
    11) Cindy Lavender: G Force , Firenock S, Tracer S
    12) Michael Schnorr: have not receive receipt yet
    13) Wayne Dobson: CX LaserEye, Firenock S, Noturnal GT, Tracer S

    Due to what happened, I would not even consider anyone till I got receipt(s) in hand. Lesson learned.

    I wanted to have 10, or maximum 12 at the end. I shall reopen the challenge to fill the vacant spots. Please read the original post and follow through, the only difference is that the new receipt submission dead line is now 2010/05/10 at 5:00 pm for anyone who are interested.
  6. firenock

    firenock Newb

    Nov 13, 2009
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    henry IL
    People should not sign up to be in the challenge unless they are really serious for it. They took up spots for people who really want to do it. I have to turn away people for I had 10 signed up already by last Friday. I am glad that a few asked me to contact them if someone withdraw. Below is the update as of 2010/05/07.

    1) Tim Gurewicz: WITHDRAW 2010/05/06
    2) Dave Joseph: WITHDRAW 2010/05/06
    3) Jeff Teti: Firenock S, G5 S, Lumenok S
    4) Jason Whitt: WITHDRAW 2010/05/06
    5) Mike: WITHDRAW 2010/05/07
    6) Bob Wisdom: WITHDRAW 2010/05/06
    7) Jarrod Kotes: WITHDRAW 2010/05/04
    8) John Masloski: CX LaserEye Green, Firenock S, Lumenok SG
    9) John Muller: Firenock A, Lumenok X, Tracer X
    10) Chris Warden: Firenock S, Lumemok S, Tracer S
    11) Cindy Lavender: G Force , Firenock S, Tracer S
    12) Michael Schnorr: have not receive receipt yet
    13) Wayne Dobson: CX LaserEye, Firenock S, Noturnal GT, Tracer S

    Due to what happened, I would not even consider anyone till I got receipt(s) in hand. Lesson learned.

    I wanted to have 10, or maximum 12 at the end. I shall reopen the challenge to fill the vacant spots. Please read the original post and follow through, the only difference is that the new receipt submission dead line is now 2010/05/10 at 5:00 pm for anyone who are interested.
    Last edited: May 7, 2010
  7. JayB22

    JayB22 Weekend Warrior

    Nov 22, 2009
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    Calgary Alberta
    Pm sent, wondering if you are accepting Canadian participants.

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