I'm still pretty pumped on it, I did lie to you guys though, it wasn't 30 yards, its was 130 yards, full value wind, forgot to add the one, and wind direction. Now I shoot at different spots, since I'm a professional expert in bowing. Back to deer, I've had cameras and trophy rock out for a week, I'll check them either Friday or Saturday morning. Plus I'll put out more mineral just get it soaking into the ground. I've never tried this method before so I'm doing it blind. I have not even made it over to the bean fields yet, but I don;t really scout that land because there is only 3 spots to set up in, its a smaller area with minimal good trees to use climber on, I'll keep my stank out of there, may just walked the edges to see how the acorns are falling. I'm going to do some squirrel hunting while I'm out there, been craving some good squirrel for a while now.
So is anyone going to take a doe early season or just wait for a buck? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
If I have a shot on a doe I'm taking it...we can take up to 6 deer (2 antlered)...but hunting public land where I am, that is seldom feasible.
Yeah I like to take a doe first to get the jitters out and get a little practice. My plan is to shoot a doe on opening day in the morning then try to surprise a buck in the evening. Now I just need something worth shooting to show up on camera!
I made the mistake of shooting a doe the first week of season last year, which was awesome, until her fawn showed up and followed her until mama collapsed. Watched the whole thing...gut wrenching. I'll be holding out to make sure my next doe is solo. Also, we should really get everybody the same design for a team name signature. I like how S.McArthur did his...not sure of font size, but bolded with black letters for black and red for jack.
So I was thinking something like this? It's just a rough draft. Any suggestions? *EDIT* Ok I kinda like this better
I like them! Do you think we need the team number? I do like it better with out. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I vote Yay on the avatar, but I would need a spike instead of that monster rack. Have to keep things in perspective. As far as my signature, I stole it from smitty, except went #5 font and bold.
Noted. My wife is the graphics designer, I'm the programmer, my level of creativity is pretty low when it comes to things like this!
Program management here...if you have a problem, log an issue or log a defect. (Sorry, my weak attempt at nerdy IT humor)... Seriously though they look pretty good (avatar/sig)... 15 days...COME ON ALREADY!
Anybody doing anything this weekend? I was planning on hanging another cam and setting up a new stand location. Oh and a I just bought an action camera to attach to my bow so I'm going play with that too.