Just had this guy show up the other day. Wish I could say with any certainty he'll be around next year because he would be a pig if he had some mass. I'm starting to get more buck pics closer to shooting light and even daytime. Giggidy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
headed up north this weekend to hunt some public land! Had a small buck on my first time out 2 weeks ago, at 26 yards but waiting on something bigger! Ill keep you posted!
We need someone on the team to drop a buck! Then hopefully the flood gates will open for the rest of us. Another 2 weeks and I will done moving, then I will be able to hunt 2 or 3 sits a week til the season ends. Also I'm taking the whole 2nd week off in November.
I'm going to hit my stand once or twice this week. Haven't hunted in a couple weeks. It's still early but its starting to warm up. Might hunt my rut stand this weekend if the wind is good, but I kind of want to leave it alone until Halloween. When's everybody taking their vacation to hunt? The first week of Nov is looking like it might be good but temps are still going to be warmer (high 50s). I might wait til I see a good cold front in the extended forecast and go off that.
I was planning to hunt this Friday and Saturday but it looks like we are going to be in thunderstorms all weekend starting tomorrow. Supposed to get 4-5 inches of rain. Maybe I can slog through the mud Sunday after church and get a sit in. :D
I need a break in the weather, been too dang hot and windy. Gonna check a couple cams tonight and make some decisions for the weekend. If the weatherman is right looks like I'll be sick next Wednesday......
Nice doe! She looks like a big girl! Also don't forget to put your date and time on the scorecard. Congratulations again.
Sweet! Congrats on the kill. If we could all just kill a doe it would make a respectable score. Throw in a few bucks and BAM! :D
I was able to get out this afternoon after all the rain passed. Saw 5 does which is the first deer I've seen so far. Got a nice buck on the trail cam too. Maybe I'll have a little luck after all. :D
Congrats Gr8 and tacklebox! Nice to be able to get a doe (or two) down before the rut kicks in! I'll be taking the 5th-11th off from work. Although I'm not sure how productive my food plot will be by then. Pulled cards from my cameras last week and found the landowner and his buddy out picking radishes from from my food plot!!! You have got to be kidding my. Maybe the deer will be use to human scent