Here’s the footage of the deer I posted earlier. The one is going to be a super stud, hopefully he stays local. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No pics ...yet but 2 fair 8 pts out in t h e cut clover..actually bedded way before ducks out there...freeware flies were driving them mad. My tags arrived today least 2 weeks early.yay!
Here’s how my deer are looking up here in NE Ohio. We got some REALLY nice prospects. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No pics, because I wasn't fast enough. 3 nice buck, 1 is a possible shooter 8. The three of them chased each other around in the cut clover field at 10 a.m.. I also got one really nice 1 1/2 old on cam at 3a.m. in the laneway bean plot.
Here is my 3 i’ve been following this summer. Hoping to get a shot at one of these 3 bucks. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Here are the three I am watching this summer. The buck in the first pic has been the most consistent. Have a pretty good idea where he is coming from but my property line might not be far enough away to catch him in daylight.
@Hall77 how are the vine scrapes working for you? I just did my first two vine scrapes about a couple weeks ago. I watched video of Jeff Sturgis and his vine scrapes. Always wanted to try it out but never did until this year.
Mine work good been doing them for about 3 years now. Gives them a reason to stop and keeps there attention I like them near my stands. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Checked cameras yesterday. These two are my main target bucks. I have sheds off of the one that is in daylight pic. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Nothing giant, but a fun card pull. My favorite is the biggun in the grass on that second to last pic. Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk
My latest YouTube video, some updated velvet progress going on in there. Got one buck I’m really excited to keep an eye on. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk