Not really scouting related but I hit the north side of our property last weekend for a bit. Checked 2 cards I've had out since March. No bucks yet, but the tracks tell me they are 100% there. Farmer got half the field planted in corn/beans again. Set up a camera by my rut stand where I encountered the big one last year. It's on a crossing coming out of the swamp, through our drainage, and into our woods/fields. Running cameras is almost more fun than hunting for me. Can't wait to see what I've got running around again this year. Really wish I would have checked this camera sooner... I positioned it so bad this year. Live and learn.
After 2 major surgeries, I am now able to get out and do more and more. I went to my second hunting property and I started a mineral site near the creek and hung a trail cam over it. I put out some corn near my cell cam to see what is travelling in the area. I have a couple of really nice bucks on that property and I am looking forward to seeing what they will look like this year.
nice pics Jake. Got MUCH needed rain here. Crops are popping. Feels strange having the woodstove roaring now when yesterday it hit 86. Heard a fawn bleating today. About 2 weeks earlier then normal.
Certain smells during the summer trigger my bowhunting craziness. Fishing yesterday the smells hit me. A little more than 4 months and counting and it will be here.....
Same, the air gets a certain smell that is hard to explain. but it’s too early for me, needs to be august/sept. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Who has a recommendation on a lightweight harness for your binoculars? I’ve got the Vortex 8x42 and have kept it in my pack the last few years. Wondering if a harness is really worth it. Would be real nice to have one for scouting, hunting, shed hunting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Aren't those a little bulky while sitting in the treestand with a bow? That's basically the only thing I'm worried about when looking right now. Something that won't get in the way while in the stand.
I use this from Badlands Gear. I hunt with it on. I shot the R100 a couple of weeks ago and wore it the hole time. It never got in the way.
A properly fitted bino harness will allow you to draw and shoot without getting in the way. I wear mine all the time when hunting or shooting 3D.
I always thought it would but I been wearing one while in the stand the last 2 yrs and I really like it. Just shoot with it at home and you’ll see it isn’t in the way at all. I’m sure it’s not for everyone but I like to have my binos on hand without pulling my neck down or having to reach for them outa my pack or a hanger.
This will be my first cell cam. Real excited to get it out to do some virtual scouting. Going into a bedding area where I won’t go back into until fall. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Man those things are addictive. One word of caution though, don't leave it turned on at your stand on a day you should be hunting but you're not. Because the moment you do that a big buck will be there but you won't and the worst part is you'll know it was there! Don't ask me how I know. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
These things have been sold out everywhere. They are sold at Scheels so I went to check out some bino harnesses and check their cams. Met a high school buddy who loves to hunt and just got a part time job there. Showed me all kinds of stuff and spent too much money. Said the Reveal X are impossible to find and are all sold out. We go our separate ways and as I’m looking at some stuff he comes over with the cam and says “man this is your lucky day. I just found this in the return cart that was just being brought into the back.” Got super lucky. Hope it runs as good as some of the older versions Pics I’ve seen from buddies. This is the AT&T version which isn’t ideal, but it will work! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I dunno why tactacam has them sold out and isn’t producing more and there such a hot commodity! I know the first reveal was hard to get ahold of too. Glad ya got one !
All cams are out. Will let them go for the next month or so. Time to start shooting the bow and enjoy the start of summer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Made the trip down to MD Sunday to pull stands off the property dad and I killed 5 off of last year, unfortunately the neighbor is getting his grandkids into hunting and offered to take care of the lawn care for my property owner. We pulled stands and cameras and moved them to the other property we have permission on down the road, found some really good sign snd ended up seeing 5 deer while we were there, moved cameras around and am getting decent activity already. It will be a learning year for sure