I just came to this thread to post this video. Great minds think alike. Excellent info in his videos.
I am starting to wake up a little to the upcoming hunting season. When I was fishing yesterday I kept looking at the land features around the lake. ha
Everything is out during turkey season. SE NC Sent from my SM-G950U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Couple recent finds looking for turkeys. Sent from my SM-G950U using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I have only seen one buck from the stand and 3 years at this spot. It's 32゚ this morning so instead of fishing I am out scouting to find some remote bedding areas.
Round 1 complete. Found some decent sign but had to cut it short bc of turkey hunter. Good guy but was headed right where I wanted to scout further. Found some decent rubs that looked a 2.5 year old. Picked up some decent sized tracks that headed back toward the private land thick stuff. Got 1 stand site in mind. Drove a few miles now off to walk a couple more miles.
Went out to the farm yesterday afternoon for the first time in a long while. After the icestorm at the end of October I pretty much stayed out of the woods last season. Bunch of widow makers have finally blown down and I have limbs, partial falls and split trees everywhere. Well, that and new trails... Lots of damaged canopy has led to more sunlight and a lot of fresh nipped green in the woods. Planning on turning soil on the plot soon and getting clover and chicory planted. Did not find a single morel in any of my spots, pulled the SD card and sure enough I have a few hogs running around.
Yeah public land hunts...also you can search a specific state and public land hunts. Seems to give some better vids
The semester from hell is over...and everything in the woods is green. I had ZERO time to spend in the woods between school, medical issues, and house hunting. At least I'll be 1/2 hour closer to my hunting spot in a few months when we close.
Sounds like things are coming together for you. I hope your medical issues are not too severe. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Thanks Jim! I'm gonna be a CT resident, tags are $100 cheaper! lol! Medical issues are all good for now, had to spend a few days in the hospital with an extreme hypertension crisis, BP was 220/130. I didn't know it was a problem until it was a problem. I felt "off" and was close to passing out. kinda scary, again. Turns out it was a new med I was on that was ramping up my BP. Thanks VA hospital Doctor!