You are a great welcome wagon. (are you old enough to remember the welcome wagon hostess??? I dont know if you are long in the tooth like me or a youngling.
Do not use we and include me, I know I am an A-hole, you however are on a completely different spectrum.
so what you did was illegal then? So I assume if you had of hunted over the corn it would be considered hunting over bait? Instead you were charged with just feeding deer? which in VA we can feed deer the week after the season to Sept 1. a month before the season.
You mistakenly presume that is a goal of mine. That is an error on your part. But you asked 1. Were you lying previously, and you do know whom the past banned member Rancid Crabtree is and that you are one in the same, Ron Kulas? Yes or No There is a lot to unpack there and a multi-part question. Part A. At no time did I ever claim to know or not know the identity of Rancid Crabtree as it relates to this subject matter. Henceforth, I can not nor could not lie. Would you be so kind as to copy and pasts said lie here? Context being what it is and all. B. Yes, I do know who Rancid Crabtree is. C. yes. How many of those animals posted in this 2020 thread, were taken on fenced operations? That was answered already in a prior post. If you failed to read that answer, what cause is there for me to expect you will read it if I answer again? But since you are asking so nicely, I will give you the same answer I previously supplied. 1 Water buffalo. Do you as part of your yearly trips and such harvest animals inside fenced properties for whatever reason? Yes or No Again, this was spelled out here in great detail and (If I might add), with great flare and spellbinding detail. Why are you not reading it? Its really good stuff. re. water buffalo. Why IF yes to #3 do you feel it necessary to avoid this topic or hide it? Of course this one is not a yes or no, but in your response please stay on topic. :D Well counselor, I dont. I would again refer you to exhibit A: Water Buffalo. And no, I dont avoid it. Again, Ive laid it out in chapter and verse why. You really are missing out by not going back and reading it in this thread. Its compelling, witty, spellbinding, A real emotional roller coaster. Rolling stone gave it two thumbs up. Available in a thread near you. Literally near you, like all you have to do is look up a couple posts. One hundred percent appreciate direct honest responses IF provided. I cant tell you how much it means to me to be appreciated by you. No really, I cant tell you. You would just get upset if I did. Anyway, thanks for your devotion to all things me. Im flattered.
I dont watch TV, I gave it up 14 years ago. I will break that self imposed TV viewing ban if planes crash into towers on American soil but thats about it. But the rest of your post was cool too. Thanks.
I think we established that nearly a decade ago. I got a citation of you recall. Im granting you permission to assume as you see fit. Assume to your hearts content. "Assuming" can be great fun. Now you made a declaration but placed a "?" at the end of the sentence as if there was a question in there. I didnt find it. Was there a question???? Good to know for when I eventually make it there to hunt.
I ain't being a smart ass man. I am trying to figure out just who you are and why so many seem to have disdain...before I can know that, I am trying to get facts. The way I read it, WI doesn't allow feeding or baiting. You put corn out near your old man's stand to attract deer there for the opening day of gun season in hopes he would get a shot. He ended up going elsewhere and you sat there. you killed a deer . Warden could not find a bait pile so instead he charged you with feeding deer. even though he could find no corn. Yet you still got a citation. Seems like you could have beat that in court. Right or wrong? I am not here to jump on you or make a judgement, I have no clue who you are. Obviously some here believe you to be a liar. I don't know either way. I am just wondering how it came to this point. And answer this, are you supposed to be banned from this site?
We all enjoy the ability to have our case heard in a court of law. I was given that option. I could certainly have appeared to make my case but the location and timing did not lend itself to being worth the effort. The fine was a measly $345. It was far easier to cut a check like Id done for speeding tickets. A simple civil (not criminal) citation. Send them some money and get on with life. That is funny. They are very invested in all things me. Its an awesome power to have. It consumes them. You cant buy that sort of devotion. Its really awesome. Time will tell. Time will tell.
Just to clear something up. Baiting and feeding of deer is legal in WI (with limits) UNLESS it is banned at the Deer Management unit level which is mostly based on county lines. The areas that have banned baiting/feeding are those with positive CWD cases or border a county with a positive CWD test. Currently, that is about 65-70% of the state.
ok, so there must have been sufficient evidence of a violation... IMO, one's past doesn't damn them to hell. I have been guilty of some minor games laws in my much younger days. The difference is, I stopped doing those things years and years ago and I took accountability for those actions and realized that I was not being a good steward of God's creation. I hold no opinion of you sharp things. I don't know enough about you. I do know that several on here that have opinion of you are long time members like me and I can say I do believe they have a good judge of character. Like you said, time will tell
Most are an angry lot. Jealous and envious. Ive got a pretty sweet gig. They are unhappy about that. My citation was a long time ago and minor. It causes them to fabricate and manufacture an alternative truth since the facts are boring and dont work to their advantage. They us metal gymnastics to contrive an alternate reality for themselves. If a grudge were a football, they would never fumble. I find them entertaining. I dont get upset. (that angers them since their opinion of me is of no matter and that want desperately to matter to me for some reason.) If you know one thing about its this. I dont treat people good or bad. I treat them accordingly.
He was just trying to get his post count up so he could be in the contest. Could have been your team captain LC!
Well evidently Rancid is the new herpies he just keeps coming back, it was kinda fun to kick him around on a Monday after the Steelers got their asses kicked. Back to the watercooler.
Truthfully, being when he signed back up. I really believe he was just biding his time to find his way into the political thread. He really doesn't have many bad things to say about himself. He's actually a smart man and has some great skills, but his arrogance and demeanor cancel all of it out. The fact that his being banned across the internet has not humbled him yet is proof enough to the fact it was only a matter of time before he really made himself known on here.